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Michael Lawriwsky

Michael Lawriwsky

The Latest From Michael Lawriwsky

  • The Truth about Albert Jacka, Our First War Hero

    It has sometimes been inferred that Albert Jacka’s politics were left-leaning. Whilst he never formally associated himself with a political party, nothing could be further from the truth. As with so many aspects of his later life, including his relationship with John Wren, myth raced far away ahead of fact

    Apr 25 2024

    21 mins

  • The Worldwide Success of Russian Propaganda

    That US academics such as John Mearsheimer, along with some Australian political commentators, cannot accept what actually happened in Kyiv's Maidan Revolution in 2014 is a tribute to the power of Russian campaigns of deception. It is also a reflection of their misunderstanding -- or to be less charitable, their ignorance -- of the intricacies of Ukrainian politics and society since independence

    Jun 19 2023

    27 mins

  • Why Putin and the West Misunderstood Ukraine

    Perceptions distorted by the misreading and misrepresentation of Ukraine's history, of claimed Russian grievances and of Western Europe being unwilling to counter Moscow's aggression, all these factors set the stage for tanks to roll. Add to that mix a doddering US president and what Putin perceived was a moment of opportunity proved anything but

    May 10 2022

    25 mins

  • Philip Ayres: Scholar and Adventurer

    I had been meeting Philip Ayres quite regularly for five […]

    Nov 29 2021

    23 mins