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Michael Kile

Michael Kile

The Latest From Michael Kile

  • Al and Clive’s $alvation $how

    They came, they saw, they concurred -- except they really didn't, not beyond a mutual interest in the bottom line. If two large men represent the best hope for a small planet, as a gullible press gallery urged its readers to believe, poor Gaia really is neck-deep in very hot water

    Jul 04 2014

    12 mins

  • Nietzsche and Climato-Therapy in the Swiss Alps

    Friedrich Nietzsche would have been intrigued by the current anxiety […]

    Jul 01 2014

    19 mins

  • The Discovery of Palmersaurus Rex

    Recently unearthed, the giant lizard's remains leave no doubt that it perished with other members of its family pod as a consequence of bizarre diet, its own massive bulk and a compulsion prompted by bright lights to roar self-serving twaddle at anything resembling a microphone

    Jun 17 2014

    8 mins

  • Stopping The Boats Once And For All

    Christmas Island is Australian territory, but there is no good reason why it should be. A relic of Britain's retreat from empire, geography and logic say it should be Indonesia territory, so why don't we hand over and eliminate its appeal as a destination to the next wave of illegal aliens, which will surely come

    May 28 2014

    8 mins

  • Noah, The First Green Crusader

    The Gospel hot from Hollywood dresses all humanity in the black hat of the ecological destroyer, even to the extent of re-casting the Old Testament's favourite boat-builder as the salvation of Gaia's innocent animals. As for our own species, mass drowning is just what we deserve

    Apr 30 2014

    10 mins

  • The Miracle Business

    What qualifies as a miracle in a world where Genesis is a fitness club, Revelations a fashion show and the Lorde revered by teenagers is a chart-topping pop singer? The person to answer that question might just be Twiggy Forest

    Apr 21 2014

    13 mins

  • The ‘Fine’ Paper That Had To Be Pulled

    The University of Western Australia's Stephan Lewandowsky, scourge of climate sceptics, likened "deniers" to moon-landing conspiracy buffs. Now that his, er, research has been withdrawn, the catastropharian chorus reckons he's the real victim

    Mar 26 2014

    14 mins

  • Guessing Games And Climate ‘Science’

    They seem so certain when predicting what long-term weather has in store for us, but don't be fooled. Read the fine print in their pronouncements and the truth is revealed: those much-quoted experts admit they don't have a clue

    Mar 13 2014

    12 mins

  • Comicbook Climate Heroes

    They were all there for the Perth Writers' Festival -- Ross Garnaut, Scott Ludlum of the Greens, the ubiquitous David Marr and an audience of fretful warmists fearful of what outrage Denialist In Chief Tony Abbott might perpetrate next. Not to worry, everyone had a lovely time steeped in self-righteous mutual esteem

    Feb 26 2014

    12 mins