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Michael Kile

Michael Kile

The Latest From Michael Kile

  • Best of Climes, Worst of Climes

    While they wait (and wait) for the dams to empty and never fill again, Tim Flannery and his pals at the Climate Council keep gabbling of imminent global disaster. Give 'em credit for tenacity, but what they really deserve is a good spanking for taking indecent liberties with science

    Feb 19 2015

    9 mins

  • Building Castles in the Air

    Like many modern leaders, Bavaria's castle-building Ludwig II was very keen to indulge his edifice complex with other people's money. Unlike modern leaders, all it took to stop his crazed campaign of construction was a long walk on a short foreshore

    Jan 24 2015

    9 mins

  • Ruffian Dick’s Pilgrimage to Mecca

    In a time of turmoil in the Middle East, a […]

    Dec 01 2014

    13 mins

  • The UN’s Climate Shakedown

    If Utopia last century was populated by Soviet Man, he has been superseded this century by Green Person with eerily similar yearnings – this time for a ‘sustainable’ world free of ‘inequity’. All the developed world needs to do is fill the pockets of the Third's kleptocrats and sustainable joy will reign supreme

    Nov 24 2014

    11 mins

  • Catastrophism Out in the Cold

    America's Democrats, and one well-heeled 'carbon capitalist' in particular, received a monumental thrashing in the US midterm elections, despite a lavishly financed ad campaign of eco-alarmist propaganda. It seems voters are nowhere near so dopey as their betters imagined

    Nov 08 2014

    11 mins

  • Carmen Get It! The PC Opera

    Depressed that the limp reception accorded 'Carmen' and other musical efforts spoke of failure, poor Georges Bizet died before his talents were recognised. As the composer decomposed, a forgotten work awaited the dawning of our PC age

    Oct 21 2014

    4 mins

  • Behind the Scenes on ‘Casablanca’

    Often hailed as 'the greatest movie ever made', the film's atmosphere of romance and peril, not to mention its more-than-somewhat improbable plot, have captivated audiences since 1942, when Warner released what execs thought would be just another back-lot pot-boiler. The back story is far more interesting

    Sep 07 2014

    10 mins

  • The Great Green Pyramid of Gaia

    There is nothing new under the sun, not even those subsidised solar roof panels, as an exploration of the Potentate PUP-PUP's burial chamber made immediately clear.

    Aug 29 2014

    10 mins

  • Your Pocket, Their Money

    The carbon tax is gone, finally, but the compensation that was supposed to ease its sting remains. Perhaps the time has come to honour a convention revered in many parts of the world and admit that baksheesh is now part and parcel of Australian life and politics

    Aug 04 2014

    9 mins