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Michael Kile

Michael Kile

The Latest From Michael Kile

  • The Australian Connection of Marcel Proust

    Proust and his Banker: In Search of Time Squandered by […]

    Nov 30 2017

    15 mins

  • The Energy Minister’s Slip Is Showing

    Having scoffed at power-market modelling, Josh Frydenberg drew comfort from 'expert'  projections he finds more useful in extolling the latest,  the very latest, clever scheme to keep the lights on, rent-seekers prosperous and electricity bills no higher than in 97% of the developed world

    Oct 18 2017

    4 mins

  • Can’t Trust ’em with the Lights off…

    and they won't be on for much longer, not with a mandated increase in renewable energy's contribution to the national grid slated to increase by fifty per cent in just three short years. If your electricity charges are outrageously high already, just wait until you see the green ink on 2020's bills

    Feb 22 2017

    10 mins

  • I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas

    Peace on Earth and goodwill to men, it's the spirit of the season -- unless, of course, you are a warmist who needs an ARC grant to confirm that partridges get in pear trees to escape the rising seas. As for those lords a'leaping, it might be they're jumpy because the climate scam is running out of steam

    Dec 18 2016

    2 mins

  • Derailing the Marrakech Express

    Another positive in the ascension of Donald Trump is the gloom his impending presidency has cast over the jet-setting catastropharians gathered to promote dire visions of the planet's future and, of course, their careers, budgets and computer-modelled fabulism

    Nov 20 2016

    8 mins

  • Mental Illness and Religious Experience

    Just as there are many types of trees in a forest, and many species of tree, many types of behaviour are now classified as disorders. Indeed, we will each of us experience an episode periodically, especially regular listeners to Question Time in the House and viewers of Q&A

    Jul 31 2016

    11 mins

  • Global Warming’s Zombie Beat

    It is little known that the creator of the novelty pop tune 'Monster Mash' was an ardent alarmist and warmist worrywart. Indeed, he re-cast his Sixties hit shortly before his death to protest the planet-stomping policies of George W. Bush and others. Last week, Shorten & Co., picked up the tune

    Apr 30 2016

    6 mins

  • Oscar Snow Job

    Actors are a peculiar breed. Ask them to play characters of intellectual depth and the more accomplished deliver convincing performances, no problems. As global-warming worrywart Leonardo DiCaprio demonstrated  at this week's Academy Awards, the trouble starts when they write their own lines

    Mar 02 2016

    7 mins

  • The Climate Monkeys Howl

    Really, they have only themselves to blame for the CSIRO's mass axing of global warming careerists. If only the high priests of the movement had been more persuasive in casting random weather events as specific symptoms of our planet's death agonies, the gravy train might not have been derailed

    Feb 10 2016

    11 mins