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Michael Kile

Michael Kile

The Latest From Michael Kile

  • Far More Predictable Than Weather

    The national broadcaster was beside itself with green glee last week while informing listeners that Britain's electricity system had gone eight whole days without burning a single lump of coal. Well, yes, that was true, but so is the UK's reliance on nuclear and gas, which received only the most fleeting of references

    May 17 2019

    9 mins

  • The Reserve Bank’s French Connection

    Spare a thought for company directors being forced to quantify the unquantifiable – 'exposure to the risks of global warming' -- under threat of legal action, for that is what the Network for Greening the Financial System has in mind.

    Mar 21 2019

    13 mins

  • Pumps, politics and the gift of a big heel

    No doubt it is toxic masculinity which blinds men -- horrible, icky, beastly, bullying men especially -- to the inspirational qualities of fashionable female footwear and, on a less upbeat note, their place in folk tales, defections and a 2012 Canberra race riot. Julie Bishop knows better

    Dec 02 2018

    8 mins

  • Doubleplusgood Greenthink

    As in Orwell’s fictional Oceania, our very own Ministry of Power has its own 'facts', all parroted by a political class that would never dream of milking consumers to line the pockets of mates. Banish that thought and all others, fellow citizens! Our betters are better because they know what's best

    Aug 10 2018

    8 mins

  • Kelp, Flannery’s Latest Brainwave

    Apparently, if humanity would only listen, the planet could be saved from the ravages of global warming if we were to cultivate seaweed and then consign it to the ocean depths. It's the latest grand scheme from the man who promoted 'hot rocks' salvation

    May 08 2018

    11 mins

  • Climate Change on Trial

    There is mounting pressure on warmist researchers to come up with arguments, if not evidence, that will stand up in court. As climate models continue to get it wrong, often spectacularly so, the carpetbaggers' various lawsuits are in dire jeopardy, but that doesn't mean they won't stop trying

    Apr 13 2018

    16 mins

  • Michael Mann’s ‘Counterfactual Science’

    Comfortably settled climate scientists (room service eases jet lag) jetted into New Zealand last week to discuss how modern life, which  presumably includes air travel, is riling Gaia ever which way. It was there, at this gathering of great minds and grants, that Mr Climategate explained all

    Feb 27 2018

    7 mins

  • Merry Crypto Climatecoin Christmas

    You've heard of BitCoin, which few fully understand. Still, the buzz is huge, which means smart operators are hyping all manner of fresh offerings. Given the relationship between catastropharianism and other people's money, the climateers were bound to get in on the act

    Dec 23 2017

    6 mins

  • Climate Elfs Cheer Santer Pause

    Christmas is upon us and who can blame grant-fed catastropharians for rejoicing? While temperatures have flat-lined for 20 years, they have a new paper to explain "the pause" to the satisfaction of all good warmists everywhere. Time to sing 'The First Nobel' and apply for yet more funding

    Dec 04 2017

    12 mins