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Michael Kile

Michael Kile

The Latest From Michael Kile

  • Believe, Kiddies, or the Tipping Point Will Bake You Alive

    Climateers have gathered in Madrid to talk up the end of the world and how best to strip non-believers of scepticism and, most of all, their money. This year, going by the ABC's sources, the planet's armageddon moment has passed, or is looming, or upon us right this instant. Whatever. But do hand over the cash

    Dec 02 2019

    15 mins

  • Climategate and ‘Post-Normal Science’

    To mark the tenth anniversary of the Climategate papers being posted on the internet, and the subsequent whitewashings of the various correspondents' candid and damning admissions, Quadrant Online's Michael Kile sought the insights of eminent philosopher of science Jerome Ravetz

    Nov 17 2019

    16 mins

  • Treating Atmospheric Apocalyptic Anxiety

    We can't be sure that the allegedly eminent psychiatrist Fiona Synapse actually exists or that, if she does, this speech detailing her revolutionary protocols for the treatment of advanced climate hysteria was ever delivered to an audience in London or anywhere else. But the links cited as case studies in carbonphobic derangement, every single one is bona fide

    Oct 28 2019

    16 mins

  • The Next Great Hashtag: #OnlyME

    When a chap can get into strife for giving the world twelve rules for life, something’s not quite right. No surprise. Everyone’s aghast because surely the other ten are just relics from the past. Love thy neighbour, for example, is out of favour. And what’s wrong with coveting his or her ass?

    Oct 15 2019

    8 mins

  • The IPCC’s Seldom Mentioned ‘Uncertainties’

    Climate scientists, we are tirelessly informed by rent-seekers, their shills and all the green barrow pushers, long ago demonstrated the truth of their anthropogenic hypothesis. Read any IPCC report, not just the press releases, and what keeps popping up is the phrase "deep uncertainty", plus plenty more coyly worded admissions of ignorance

    Oct 05 2019

    14 mins

  • What Green Journalists Are Careful to Omit

    For once, the ABC's Patricia Karvelas was instructive although perhaps not deliberately so. When interviewing an Indonesian climate activist who also identifies as a journalist, it was all rising seas and pollution and emergency measures. Delicately ignored was any mention of Jakarta's real problem: a population that won't stop growing

    Sep 22 2019

    10 mins

  • Climate Hysteria: Follow the Money

    Central banks have been sucked into the vast and self-serving vortex of fake alarm, urged to underwrite trillions of dollars of high-risk green bonds at whatever-it-takes scale and speed. As Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England, puts it, there are 'great fortunes' to be made

    Aug 11 2019

    12 mins

  • Now They Want to ‘Fix’ the Climate

    If the global climate is 'destabilised' and consequently ever more 'unpredictable', how can warmist climateers make such confident predictions about which way the mercury is heading? Fear not, you lesser mortals, they claim not only to know all that more but also how to make the planet heel to their commands

    Jun 16 2019

    11 mins

  • Fridays on Premier Palaszczuk’s Mind

    The Queensland Premier, whose government has long stalled and delayed the Adani mine, took note of Labor's dismal performance in her state on May 18 and very quickly announced she was sick and tired of stalls and delays. How will she explain her newfound impatience to the visiting Al Gore?

    May 28 2019

    8 mins