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Michael Kile

Michael Kile

The Latest From Michael Kile

  • Going Batty Over Climate Change

    Warmists never hesitate to conscript any and every adverse incident as evidence of 'global warming', 'climate change', the 'climate crisis' or whatever scare term happens to be in vogue. Attributing COVID to nature's interactions with encroaching human populations is the latest example of spinning a truth into a such a blur that the infamous Wuhan lab goes unseen and unmentioned

    Sep 25 2021

    8 mins

  • How Warmists Package Panic

    Nature is tricky, indifferent to our attempts to understand and control it. What is much easier to manipulate is public opinion in general and reporters in particular. As the alarmists urge, journalists of the incurious variety should 'be brought closer into the project team to collaborate and communicate key attribution findings'

    Jul 15 2021

    12 mins

  • The Hymn to Him

    In the modern gender jungle 'My Fair Lady' is no longer a light and durably popular entertainment, an exercise in humour and irony, but a 'text' to be deplored for its 'infuriating smugness', bullying and mansplaining. To quote Professor Higgins, there are indeed some female heads full of 'cotton, hay and rags'

    Mar 27 2021

    12 mins

  • When Smart People Get the Climate Crazies

    Generally speaking, one doesn't become the youngest-ever Governor of the Bank of England without having an above-average intelligence, which makes Mark Carney, now the UN's Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance, a very sad case indeed. He made the perils of soaking the brain in green piffle obvious to all when delivering this year's Reith Lectures

    Jan 20 2021

    14 mins

  • Climate Justice? Yes, That Would Be Nice

    Poison the wells of truth with years of lies, confected exhibits and biased reporting and the defendant's chance of a fair hearing is erased, as George Pell learnt to his immense cost. Well the Cardinal is far from alone in being railroaded. Climate sceptics and their evidence have been getting the same treatment for decades

    Sep 09 2020

    14 mins

  • The Arctic’s Hottest day? Not So Fast

    Last year, climate alarmists were beside themselves to alert the world that an all-time high temperature was scorching Antarctica. Just lately they've tried the same con with the Arctic, this latest claim no more credible than its predeccessor. It seems the only thing reaching new heights is the climateers' shamelessness

    Jul 07 2020

    13 mins

  • Antarctica’s ‘Hottest Day’? Not So Fast

    For those who enjoy a bit of look-at-me hysteria, one of warmism's attractions is the near-daily stream of excuses to declare the end is nigh. Just lately it was the widely reported claim -- misreported, actually -- that an Antarctic base was roasted by a "record" Surfers Paradise-style temperature spike. Fact is, it wasn't a record, isn't inside the polar circle and may not even have happened

    Feb 18 2020

    12 mins

  • Dipolaxing the Bushfire-Climate Change Nexus

    Lacking shame and ever alert for fresh grant opportunities, the careerists and opportunists of the climate change movement began linking bushfires to global warming at the first whiff of smoke. That was good enough for gullible and/or activist reporters who, were you to quiz them, wouldn't know the Indian Ocean Dipole from a hole in the ground

    Jan 21 2020

    13 mins

  • The Settled Science of Refusing to Debate

    An inverted pyramid of error balanced on a single point -- that humans are solely responsible for fluctuations in the world's weather -- cannot be allowed to be challenged because the slightest application of fact, rather than doomsday computer modelling, would tumble the entire rotten edifice

    Dec 24 2019

    17 mins