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Michael Kile

Michael Kile

The Latest From Michael Kile

  • Climate Modelling: Rubbish In, More Rubbish Out

    Bamboozling folk with data or simulations that may, or may not, describe reality can be fun. Astrologers, readers of entrails and other sybills made a lucrative living from it. Likewise today's careerist climate oracles, who long ago conceded the inherent uncertainty of their predictions but still insist neither knowing or understanding the immense intricacies of global weather 'is no longer a responsible justification for delay'

    May 27 2023

    12 mins

  • Apologies, Ms Adams, but I Have My Suspicions

    If on a 'faithful afternoon', as my unsolicited African correspondent put it, you receive as email promising all sorts of undeserved riches, do stop, think and read the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission’s latest Targeting Scams report. Then pause to wonder how so many people can be so stupid

    Apr 22 2023

    5 mins

  • UNESCO’s Delphic Oracles

    UNESCO selected – some might say weaponised – Delphi not only because it was the most sacred place in ancient Greece and birthplace of Gaia, mother of all. It was home also to the Oracle, hence an ideal location to promote the UN's prophecies of climate catastrophe

    Nov 24 2022

    9 mins

  • In Egypt, Climate Catastrophism as Usual

    With more than 30,000 delegates attending COP27's 'watershed moment', the gathering will be full of sound and fury, dire warnings, purveyors of dodgy carbon credits (including the UN’s own carbon offset platform), utopian fantasists and the usual crowd of jeremiahs, politicians and self-interested bureaucrats preaching 'climate chaos'

    Nov 10 2022

    10 mins

  • The UN Scorns Australia and King Canute too

    The 59-page UNHRC Committee’s Decision condemning Australia for taking inadequate care in protecting Torres Strait Islanders from climate change is a fascinating document. Here for all to see are the tricks of the climateers' trade: the turgid rhetoric, quasi-legal tone, dodgy conclusions, circular arguments and, laid bare, the green bullies' agenda and tactics

    Oct 04 2022

    13 mins

  • Real Power to the People of the Third World

    On the strength of not much evidence at all the UN expects the global population to flatten over the decades to come, a presumption at odds with what is happening in sub-Saharan Africa and 'high fertility' nations elsewhere. Inject a little reality and one prospect becomes clear: there is no way poor, teeming countries desperate for energy will join the green West in pinning their hopes on renewables

    Aug 06 2022

    8 mins

  • When the Goddess of Folly Calls the Shots

    Who can deny that life would be dull without the involvement of Madame Folly? She thrives among desperados searching frantically for a workable plan and especially enjoys cavorting with folk who believe they can control the weather. But most of all she adores those who insist the cause of an energy crisis is also its solution

    Jun 24 2022

    10 mins

  • ‘Contraction and Convergence’ at COP26

    How did the UN determine the Global Climate Fund’s annual pledges to the developing world should run to $100 billion? Oddly enough, it all started with a viola player, Aubrey Meyer, who advocates the atmosphere be regarded 'as a global commons'. Translated, that means First World emissions and lifestyles must be shrunk to match those of the Third

    Nov 08 2021

    11 mins

  • Antarctica’s Record Lows Get the Cold, Cold Shoulder

    It was more than chilly in Antarctica recently, so disconcertingly frigid if you happen to be a professional warmist that hot, fast work was needed to place reports of record low temperatures in the correct context, especially for the mainstream media. Few challenges are beyond the ambitions of those who believe they can control the weather and to this challenge as a chorus they rose

    Oct 24 2021

    12 mins