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Michael Kile

Michael Kile

The Latest From Michael Kile

  • This year’s climate model

    The science is settled, warmists never fail to insist, usually adding that they have peer-reviewed each other's papers and found them splendid. Amongst themselves, however, confidence is more than somewhat qualified

    Feb 12 2013

    13 mins

  • Tricks of the climate trade

    The warmist elite -- the ones who turn left upon entering the plane to their next international conference -- all agree that "extreme weather" is growing, er, more extreme. Except when they're not sure, that is

    Feb 11 2013

    13 mins

  • Weird-weather shenanigans: Part I

    A cool day in summer, that's just weather. But a January scorcher, well that's a further symptom of mankind's toxic contempt for the planet we are killing with carbon emissions. If that sounds like a script, the reason is that it is

    Feb 09 2013

    6 mins

  • For climateers, it’s always the Silly Season

    Nuts are always on the menu when warmists draft the bill of fare, and this year's Christmas menu of catastropharian predictions and pronouncements has proven to be no exception     

    Jan 10 2013

    11 mins

  • Doha-ha-ha-ha-ha

    The UN's latest scare-a-thon has drawn mercifully to a close, but not before pushing the boundaries of institutionalised idiocy. Apart from the usual dire predictions of the world's imminent peril, here is what the delegates achieved

    Dec 11 2012

    15 mins

  • In for their COP — Part III

    Intoxicated by self-importance, the Doha delegates will talk climate change until those methane-exuding cows come home. Not a word of it will make a scrap of difference to the weather

    Nov 23 2012

    6 mins

  • In for their COP — Part II

    Uncertainty has never bothered the climateers converging on Doha for the latest attempt to engineer massive transfers of global wealth. The science is dubious, but the apostles of climate change have never doubted their goals or how to achieve them

    Nov 21 2012

    6 mins

  • Climateers in for their COP — Part I

    Their "evidence" is more dubious than ever, the grasping lust for other people's money more naked. But give the catastropharians credit for trying. As the warmist bandwagon rolls into Qatar, their claims of imminent disaster will be deafening

    Nov 20 2012

    4 mins

  • Quakes, consensus and consequence

    The recent convictions of seven earth scientists for involuntary manslaughter raised a storm of protest. A closer look at the case provides a sobering lesson for experts who present opinions as established fact. Climate alarmists, please take note

    Nov 03 2012

    12 mins