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Michael Kile

Michael Kile

The Latest From Michael Kile

  • Those Other Rumbles In Indonesia

    Burnt hands, Schappelle Corby, the ABC's fantasies of RAN torture techniques -- those themes have dominated recent reports from our northern neighbour. Barely mentioned is the uptick in volcanic activity and the possibility, if it doesn't subside, of a smoke-shrouded "year without a summer"

    Feb 15 2014

    8 mins

  • Party Poopers On The Magic Mountain

    There was more than a whiff of new money and déjà vu last week at the annual gabfest in Davos, a Swiss resort 1,560 metres above the hoi polloi.The fear that central banks might slow their printing presses was in the air as well

    Jan 31 2014

    11 mins

  • Orwell’s Whirlpools

    On the anniversary of his death, hastened by the supreme effort to finish 'his masterpiece', it is fitting to remember once again the warning by the author of 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' that the totalitarian impulse can be supressed but never eradicated

    Jan 21 2014

    13 mins

  • Warmism’s Very Own Titanic

    Climate-change alarmists can always be relied upon to provide a little unintentional levity in return for their grants, but the misadventures of the passengers aboard the good-and-stuck ship Akademik Shokalskiy have lifted hilarity to new heights

    Jan 07 2014

    8 mins

  • The Twelve Days Of Christmas

    T’is the silly season. Time to celebrate in song larrikins-a-leaping, maids-a-milking, hounds-a-hunting, geese a-gabbling, progressives-a-plotting and the mysteries of our Earth Climate System

    Dec 18 2013

    2 mins

  • Climate ‘Refugee’ Left High and Dry

    A New Zealand court has rejected the argument that one can claim asylum from the alleged ravages of climate change. For the plaintiff, it is back to teeming Kiribati, where the real problem is a booming population

    Dec 09 2013

    8 mins

  • The Good Word from Warsaw

    As Australia slept on Sunday morning, confident of an Ashes win, players in another game on the opposite side of the world were trying frantically to snatch victory from the ashes of defeat

    Nov 25 2013

    6 mins

  • An All-Star Polish Joke

    Climateers have descended on the Polish capital for the latest catastropharian confab, brimming as usual with prophecies of death, disease and disaster. Even as the AGW scare withers, its advocates are stepping up the rhetoric

    Nov 19 2013

    11 mins

  • By George, Milne just doesn’t get it

    When the Greens leader invoked Orwell to denounce Tony Abbott, she demonstrated that she is as poor a student of novels and essays as of global temperature charts

    Oct 25 2013

    8 mins