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Michael Green

Michael Green

The Latest From Michael Green

  • The ‘Coercive Control’ Bill vs Common Sense

    The proposed offence of 'coercive control', now before the NSW Parliament, employs terms that are beyond vague and dangerous for being so. Terms, for example, like ‘monitoring’, ‘restricting’ and ‘limiting’. Well, what kinds of monitoring, limiting or restricting? This dangerous Bill would tie up police and the courts and needs to be rejected in its entirety

    Jan 28 2021

    8 mins

  • Tim Flannery’s Yearning for Climate Commissars

    Even without his taxpayer-funded gig as a 'climate commissioner', Australia's most laughable climate hysteric still enjoys some advantages. No matter how flawed his diagnoses and ridiculous his remedies -- his latest book overflows with each -- he'll be feted by those who share the view that climate hooligans must be brought to heel

    Dec 22 2020

    22 mins

  • Net Zero Emissions by 2050? They’re Dreaming

    Any ad campaign to promote the much prophesied 'decarbonised economy' will be a challenge indeed. Instead of the quick, convenient, comfortable and easy ways of modern life, the agency's brief would be to find positives in the slow, inconvenient and uncomfortable. Green lies are nothing new, of course, but this brief would defeat even the most gifted dissembler

    Nov 12 2020

    11 mins

  • Climate Change is Not the End of the World

    One of the many astute observations in Michael Shellenberger's refreshing 'Apocalypse Never' explains why the big oil and gas companies have made common cause with promoters of renewables. They 'know perfectly well that batteries can’t back up the grid. The places integrating large amounts of solar and wind … are relying more and more on natural gas plants'

    Oct 23 2020

    15 mins

  • High-Energy Dreaming

    In 'Superpower' Ross Garnaut stakes his reputation on renewable energy becoming sufficiently cheap and reliable to drive a heavy-industry renaissance. Is it credible? As credible as his claim that renewables and their subsidies bear no blame for the soaring electricity prices that have done so much to cruel the very industries he seeks to rebuild

    Mar 11 2020

    15 mins