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Michael Green

Michael Green

The Latest From Michael Green

  • First the Voice, Then Comes the Treaty

    The Voice is all about creating a constitutionally enshrined indigenous representative body and related structures amounting to the de facto government of a quasi-independent indigenous nation. Albanese knows this, which is why secrecy is his watchword. It is up to Peter Dutton to ring the alarm that the Yes camp seeks nothing less than a sly but sweeping revolution

    Jan 21 2023

    12 mins

  • The Demonising of Good Sense and Sound Policy

    Neither a 100 per cent renewable electricity system, nor one underpinned by nuclear power, is a realistic option to sustain the grid until well into the 2040s at the earliest, if ever. Consequently, fossil fuels will be part of our electricity system for now and many years to come. Green pieties are one thing, keeping the lights on is quite another

    Jul 20 2022

    9 mins

  • Beyond the Reach of Debate, Evidence and Logic

    John McWhorter's 'Woke Racism' is a much needed rallying cry to push back against 'The Elect' whose refusal to recognise any factor other than racism has added to the many existing ills of black communities. His solution: reject the idea that being sensible about race is 'blaming the victim' and never forget that 'a lot of today’s victimhood claims on race are fake'

    Apr 02 2022

    10 mins

  • In the Dark Green Bowels of the SMH

    It is all there in one single edition -- the green cliches and talking points, the hand-wringing for our allegedly boiling planet, the nostrums and virtuous rejection of everything from private cars to the physics of electricity transmission. Yet, in a supreme example of cognitive dissonance, the same newspaper also mentions in passing why attaining Net Zero is pure fantasy

    Nov 12 2021

    9 mins

  • When the Best Prescription is a Stiff Drink

    Their students ignore them, obsessed with their phones. Their own children are indifferent and ungrateful. Their wives have little time for them, so four Danish teachers decide to explore the theory that human beings are naturally deficient in alcohol. The result is a movie, 'Another Round', that is both funny and, in its own way, charts an escape from nothingness

    May 07 2021

    4 mins

  • Kean’s Electricity Act Subjugates Regional NSW

    Mark Latham led resistance to Matt Kean's Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act, saying it would 'make Joe Stalin blush', which is somewhat hyperbolic. The Soviet tyrant shot those who disagreed. Kean simply strips them of the right to oppose his Renewable Energy Zones

    Apr 15 2021

    18 mins

  • Maximum Pain for Net-Zero Gain

    A newly released IPA study looks at a range of estimates for the much-vaunted 'new green jobs' those spruiking an energy-poor future insist will burgeon all over. What it finds is that not only will they fall well short of replacing the jobs at risk, they will transform for the worse Australian lifestyles and lives

    Feb 13 2021

    7 mins

  • Let’s Pass on Net Zero Emissions by 2050

    A third of all emissions in a given year are still in the atmosphere a century later, and a fifth are still there in a thousand years. This means it is total emissions over time that really matter and getting to zero by 2050 is relatively unimportant. But don't expect the green fan boys and girls of the mainstream media to grasp and report that simple truth

    Feb 03 2021

    11 mins