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Michael Giffin

Michael Giffin

The Latest From Michael Giffin

  • Should Christians be Allowed Freedom of Speech?

    Benedict XVI summarised the Church’s essential life thus: it worships […]

    May 30 2020

    7 mins

  • Man’s Thoughts and Woman’s Feelings

    When a mob of shrieking and deranged women pounded on the doors of the US Senate during Brett Kavanaugh's attempted lynching, many who saw that footage must have wondered which is worse: life in a world man has built up, or life in a world woman is tearing down on her journey to whomever she wants to be or thinks she is

    Apr 27 2020

    7 mins

  • The Strange Death of Woman

    We’re now legally compelled to believe differences of sex and gender don’t exist. Apparently, sexual identity is really gender identity, wholly fluid because socially constructed, while sex and gender are functionally independent; further, both are independent of evolutionary biology and can be changed. This is madness

    Mar 23 2020

    7 mins

  • Catholic Authority in the Anglican Church

    As an Anglo-Catholic, I was interested in the canonisation of […]

    Dec 30 2019

    20 mins

  • Celibacy in an Age of Sexual Freedom

    The only consensus we can manage in the modern West is to see the Christian past as a terrible place where our forebears believed things we’re too enlightened, too knowing, too “humane” to believe anymore. This isn’t a recipe for human flourishing

    Dec 24 2019

    17 mins

  • The Strange Death of Mother Nature

    The West has been trying to call immoral things moral since the French Revolution. One must wonder what’s more immoral, the recent invention of a female penis and testicles, which demand to be waxed, or a culture of indiscriminate anti-discrimination that makes it illegal for female waxers to say No

    Nov 26 2019

    19 mins

  • Turn Off Your Gaydar, Please

    When Cardinal Pell famously refused to give communion to gay activists sporting rainbow sashes, he was reminding them that God’s altar isn’t the place for political lobbying and social activism. If they take their sashes off, and leave them in the pews, they are free to receive communion. That’s traditional Christian teaching, not homophobia

    Oct 22 2019

    19 mins

  • What the Pell Case Is Really About

    It is wicked, we are told, for those who simply cannot believe the Cardinal guilty to pray for the success of his appeals, the last hope now lodged with the High Court. While the prosecution's case was notoriously weak, motivations for convicting him were stronger. Our judicial system has been permanently compromised as a consequence

    Sep 21 2019

    3 mins

  • Feminist Rhetoric and the Ordination of Women

    In March 1992, I attended a historic event: the ordination […]

    May 31 2019

    18 mins