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Michael Giffin

Michael Giffin

The Latest From Michael Giffin

  • How Will the Anglican Story End?

    Why did the bishops veto the clergy’s and laity’s affirmation of marriage as a union between a biological male and a biological female, with 40 per cent of General Synod regarding same-sex unions as a moral good? The reason is that many High and Broad Church bishops confuse what might be described as churchmanship with faith

    Feb 12 2023

    19 mins

  • Natural Law Without Nature

    As political institutions become increasingly progressive, the law becomes an instrument for imposing whatever political action is desired. This creates a risk-averse population with little sense of what human being and human nature are, or what human freedom and human necessity involve

    Dec 31 2022

    23 mins

  • Christians and Jews: Between Story and History

    Progressive Christians seek to construct a liberationist Jesus to solve whatever they think ails the body politic. They are enthusiastic about the Jewish Jesus only if his Jewishness suits their agenda. Admittedly, when Christians began exploring the Jewish Jesus, they did so clumsily. Yet admitting the clumsiness does not detract from the Jewishness as a historical fact

    Aug 21 2022

    21 mins

  • Negotiating the Noise around Procreation

    The Anglosphere is standing at the crossroads. The insistence that sex and gender are functionally independent from each other, and from evolutionary biology, has either failed or been pushed as far as it can without detonating

    Jun 12 2022

    11 mins

  • Evolution, Hyper-Novelty and Cultural Noise

    We live in an age where facts are 'scientific' if they serve the current hegemonic narrative and unscientific if they do not. Many scientists, to their shame and the detriment of their disciplines, reinforce this delusion because it bankrolls research and drives public policies of which they personally approve. One manifestation: the movement against recording sex on birth certificates

    Jan 15 2022

    21 mins

  • Evolution, Hyper-Novelty and Cultural Noise

    Each day, before saying Morning Prayer, I log on to […]

    Dec 30 2021

    20 mins

  • The Road to Gilead: Marilynne Robinson’s Theology

    In 2005, after a public interview, a man in the […]

    Jun 29 2021

    13 mins

  • The Catholic Response to Homosexuality

    Homosexual identity has become one of many battering rams for intersectional politics. Homosexuals are not Magical Elves. Being homosexual is messy. It involves sexual acts that were until recently recognised as hazardous to health. There is no basis, in Scripture or Natural Law, by which the Church can bless practising homosexuals

    Jun 06 2021

    10 mins

  • The Future of Western Christianity

    Progressives believe scriptural prohibitions are culturally contextual: binding on the ancients because they knew no better; not binding on us because we do. For example, it is perfectly reasonable to expect Christians to condemn homophobia in all its forms, since Christ requires it. It does not follow, as some would have us believe, that Christ sanctified homosexual behaviour

    Feb 09 2021

    20 mins