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Michael Evans

Michael Evans

The Latest From Michael Evans

  • Why the ADF Risks Failure in the Next War

    It is a matter of national concern when senior ADF officers prefer to talk about climate change rather than military art, and define strategy in the language of corporate governance rather than that of Clausewitz. Moreover, when Special Forces soldiers can be accused of war crimes—but no senior officers are held accountable—something is wrong in the professional culture of the ADF

    Mar 19 2024

    24 mins

  • Who Denies Wins: How to Prevail in a War against China in Asia

    If China takes Taiwan in a fait accompli, US credibility in Asia would be shattered. To prevent such an epoch-changing shift, former CIA hand Elbridge Colby argues in an important new book that Beijing must be forced assume the burden of any offensive it undertakes while standing condemned before the altar of world opinion,. In other words, to replay Athens at Syracuse, Germany in the Battle of Britain, and Argentina in the Falklands

    Nov 22 2023

    32 mins

  • Diagnosing Dysfunction in Defence Management

    Thirteen defence ministers have come and gone since 2001, a ceaseless churn that has seen incumbents obliged to co-ordinate rather than control. With three distinct and horizontally divided components -- the political class, civilian bureaucracy and the profession of arms -- the result has been a collective failure to coordinate aims and policies

    Oct 28 2022

    36 mins

  • Hitler as a Military Strategist

    Hitler’s disdain for many of his generals was exacerbated by his philosophy on the role of war in human affairs. Far more than Clausewitz’s “politics by other means”, it was an extension of biological domination in which ecstatic violence was the highest expression of the life force

    Feb 13 2021

    37 mins

  • Australian Strategy and the Gathering Storm in Asia

    It was always hubris for Western policy-makers and intellectuals to think that a resurgent China would or could be contentedly integrated into a US-led international system. Beijing's recent conduct further bolsters the case for a sweeping rejuvenation of thinking about defence and national security

    Apr 14 2020

    33 mins

  • Gaia and Ares: Climate Change and the Future of War

    I have yet to find any respected social scientist who […]

    Aug 30 2018

    24 mins

  • Confronting Suicide in the ADF

    Perhaps the best single defence against suicide ideation in the ranks is for the ADF to uphold the natural grace of the military profession—a grace that underlies an ethos of service and steadfastness of spirit—and which embeds these virtues in a community of comrades

    Jun 22 2018

    36 mins

  • Stoicism and the Profession of Arms

    In the Stoic catechism there is no such category as 'victimhood'. Rather, there is empowerment by perception -- a cultivation of an invincibility of the will through a mixture of Socratic self-examination and controlling the emotions. Sadly, such sentiments are at odds with a self-indulgent age

    Apr 25 2018

    41 mins

  • Clio and Ares: The Use of History

    The reconstruction of the past is not an end in […]

    Jan 01 2017

    32 mins