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Michael Duffy

Michael Duffy

The Latest From Michael Duffy

  • The Politics of Grievance: review

    A new look at colonial Sydney is a lively and valuable corrective to almost two centuries of error.

    Feb 21 2012

    1 mins

  • On Tony Abbott

    He has become, at least to outward appearances, a man more ordinary.

    Jan 31 2012

    1 mins

  • Simple death

    Some argue the situation would be very different if voluntary euthanasia became legal, as all social constraints would be removed. They ought to look at Oregon in America, where voluntary euthanasia has been legal for over a decade. That experience has been much studied and refutes this and almost every practical argument against legal voluntary euthanasia.

    Feb 13 2011

    4 mins

  • Christmas DVDs: Michael Duffy

    Like many people I have come to enjoy boxed sets of the more thoughtful American cable television series.

    Dec 18 2010

    0 mins

  • Christmas Books: Michael Duffy

    Any year that has new novels by four of the best crime writers around can’t be too bad.

    Dec 11 2010

    1 mins