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Michael Danby

Michael Danby

The Latest From Michael Danby

  • The Kurdish Antidote to ISIS

    Sentiment in the West remains opposed to putting 'boots on the ground', which is understandable. Much harder to comprehend is the civilized world's tardiness in supporting the forces that have beaten ISIS and continue to do so

    Dec 15 2015

    4 mins

  • ISIS and Australia’s Peril

    A Magoo-like myopia partly explains why some who should know better refuse to recognise that ISIS and the homegrown Muslim recruits who have flocked to its bloody banner represent a grave threat to Australia's security. The other factor is old fashioned anti-Americanism

    Sep 05 2014

    5 mins

  • Free Liu Xiaobo

    Many Australians understandably want to do business and trade with China - an entirely reasonable idea - but it should not be done while turning a blind eye to China’s human rights abuses.

    Nov 25 2010

    7 mins

  • Ah, McGeough, You’ve Done It Again

    The publisher’s flyer that accompanied my review copy of Paul […]

    Jun 01 2009

    7 mins