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Michael Copeman

Michael Copeman

The Latest From Michael Copeman

  • A Modest Proposal to Fix the ABC

    The national broadcaster gobbles around $1.2 billion a year, but its ratings are nothing to write home about and, well, much of what goes to air is as predictable as a climate-change rally, for which its newsrooms might easily be mistaken. Five ways to remedy that

    Jan 05 2017

    6 mins

  • A New World If We Want It

    Donald Trump's victory signifies much more than a slap to the elites so certain he didn't have a chance. More than the satisfaction of seeing the chattering classes confounded, it is an assault on political correctness and the anti-growth nostrums it peddles

    Dec 10 2016

    4 mins

  • President Hillary’s First Year

    Our resident soothsayer has examined the entrails of the US presidential campaign, now in its final days, and laid out his prophecies. While some might seem highly unlikely, there can be no doubt the Clinton Foundation's coffers will swell mightily

    Nov 03 2016

    4 mins

  • Brexit and the Camel’s Nose

    By 2061, the future EU may well be majority Muslim, which appears not to have concerned younger voters steeped since infancy in the official doctrine of relativism and multicultural 'tolerance'. Older voters recalled that the Channel has been a useful obstacle to invasion and subjugation

    Jul 12 2016

    6 mins

  • Understanding Your Double Disillusion

    Come Saturday night, we'll have exercised our franchises, democracy will reign triumphant and, best of all, the nation will have been dotted with election night parties. After that, given the distinct possibilities of a hung Parliament and recalcitrant Senate,  the hangover can begin in earnest

    Jun 28 2016

    4 mins

  • Their World, We Just Live In It

    If only the heteronormative males of today were imbued with the public spirited decency of their forebears, they would follow the example of the Titanic's XY-chromosome set and slip dutifully beneath the waves, never to be seen or heard from again

    Jun 21 2016

    4 mins

  • No Hope in Obama’s Chicago

    Was it only eight years ago that a newly elected president assured an adoring hometown crowd that crime and injustice would wilt before his enlightened moral authority? As the chalked outlines on too many sidewalks attest, it was another false promise

    Jun 01 2016

    5 mins

  • The 100 Days of Bill Shorten, PM

    Australians opt for the shorter of  two options on July 2. What follows brings delight in industrial quantities to wind-turbine operators, gay-studies faculties and a Cecil B. deMille cast of rent-seekers, revenuers, republicans, grievance mongers and social engineers

    May 26 2016

    8 mins

  • Prosperity Blocked By Green Rubble

    It was ten years ago that Bill Shorten jetted into Beaconsfield on what was the first public leg of his long march toward what he hopes will be his occupancy of The Lodge. Today it is renewable energy, not miners and their jobs, that excites his passion, much like the man he hopes to replace on July 2

    May 09 2016

    6 mins