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Mervyn Bendle

Mervyn Bendle

The Latest From Mervyn Bendle

  • The Left’s Relentless War on Faith

    The Australian Law Reform Commission wants legislation that will dictate what people may believe and how they express those beliefs through faith-based institutions, especially schools and places of worship. Count on a precedent-setting show trial, and rest assured it will be Christianity in the dock, never Islam

    May 16 2024

    13 mins

  • Vice-Chancellors Wrapped in Shame and Keffiyehs

    While this coterie of self-satisfied administrators on their million-dollar salaries strut and preen and insist they strictly observe the principles of free speech and have zero tolerance for racist abuse and harassment, their effective inaction in the face of unprecedented anti-Semitism on their campuses clearly states the opposite

    May 07 2024

    9 mins

  • Hitler Sees his Grandchildren and Smiles

    The convergence of militant Islamism with various neo-Marxist organizations began amid the social, cultural and political turmoil of the Sixties, a period that saw fellow travelers and useful idiots demanding, as did the Austrian Corporal, the destruction of liberal democracy. His heirs are doing their best

    Apr 30 2024

    16 mins

  • Hannah Arendt and the Evil of Anti-Semitism

    Preface: Incredible as it may seem, it is now no […]

    Apr 29 2024

    31 mins

  • The New Anti-Semitism’s Nazi Lineage

    Oh, the irony! The same Leftists who advocate 'punching Nazis' and proclaim themselves sworn foes of fascism have fervently embraced the exterminationist position in regard to Israel. Somewhere in Hell, Hitler and his pet Muslim, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, are cheering their latter day disciples

    Apr 26 2024

    16 mins

  • The Endless War on Anzac

    Anzac Day now stands alone on the calendar as a symbolic bastion of national identity, an identity the Left wants expunged not only to create further room for its ever-growing collection of ersatz days of pride and mourning, but also to create a cultural tabula rasa that can be re-engineered according to ideology and fashion

    Apr 24 2024

    19 mins

  • Simone de Beauvoir and the Meaning of Life

    Simone de Beauvoir hovered on the edge of greatness as a young philosopher capable of penetrating the ultimate questions of existence. But then she shrank from the challenge, sinking instead into a preoccupation with the melodramatic and often sordid concerns of herself, lovers, friends and peers

    Feb 03 2024

    30 mins

  • Isaiah Berlin and the Meaning of Life

    Churchill asked his guest what he felt was the most important thing he had ever written. 'White Christmas,' was the reply. Churchill, perplexed, gave up and turned to someone else. It was only later that he was told that through a mix-up it was the composer Irving Berlin who had been invited to enjoy lunch and the wartime Prime Minister's company

    Nov 28 2023

    27 mins

  • Jean-Paul Sartre and the Meaning of Life

    Was there truly 'no exit' from humanity’s existential predicament, as Sartre posits in Huis-Close? Was the meaning of life a hellish nihilism? Such questions confronted intellectuals amidst the crisis of the Cold War that defined both the era of Existentialism. the decline of a front-rank philosopher to the status of a hired-gun propagandist for the communist bloc

    Nov 05 2023

    26 mins