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Mervyn Bendle

Mervyn Bendle

The Latest From Mervyn Bendle

  • Radical Conservative Possibilities

    From a perspective of some eighty years it is possible to misunderstand or underestimate the intensity of the fears—but also the hopes and aspirations—of the British people as they faced up to another colossal existential challenge, less than a full generation after what, it was now suddenly clear, had only been the first world war

    Sep 10 2024

    11 mins

  • Bryan Magee and the Meaning of Life

    Magee began with the conviction that “to anyone thinking like this the only human activity that seems to have any importance at all is the search for meaning in life”.

    Aug 29 2024

    24 mins

  • Must Australia Submit?

    Australia has not yet gone very far down the path followed by Britain and France, but we are heading in that direction. To understand how Australia could slide into a theocratic-socialist dystopia, people need to recognize only one thing: key élites of Western countries would sell them out in a heartbeat

    Aug 14 2024

    11 mins

  • Spectre of the Fall: is the West Doomed?

    There is a considerable body of scholarship and commentary illuminating the dire future into which Western societies are allowing themselves to descend. Tragically, there seems to be little political will or capacity to confront this challenge, in itself a marker of the extent of the decline

    Jul 28 2024

    28 mins

  • What Really Happened in the Sixties

    The paradox of hope and fear, allegiance and alienation, which tore through the Sixties has never been resolved and the tension remains, fundamentally shaping contemporary politics and culture, as we see around us every day

    Jul 20 2024

    26 mins

  • The Fall of Jerusalem

    The Jewish people are facing the greatest threat to their existence since the catastrophic Roman siege of Jerusalem nearly two millennia ago. Consequently, it is well worth recalling that epoch-defining tragedy in all its world-historical significance

    Jul 10 2024

    16 mins

  • Heidegger’s Curse: Postmodern Anti-Semitism

    What he presents as a philosophical argument is actually just the expression of Heidegger’s Völkisch longings -- a nostalgic yearning for a pre-industrial, pre-urban, pre-democratic, and specifically German pastoralism, coupled with a deeply reactionary hatred of every aspect of modernity, personified above all by 'the Jews'

    Jun 11 2024

    19 mins

  • Heidegger’s Curse: Postmodern Anti-Semitism

    The Black Notebooks confirm that Heidegger supported National Socialism not […]

    May 28 2024

    19 mins

  • The Coming Islamic Apocalypse

    As the global jihad gathers momentum, is it too much to expect our political and academic leaders will realise it is their children and grandchildren who will be living in a future world their wilful ignorance of Islam's death cult is so rapidly bringing into being?

    May 23 2024

    13 mins