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Merv Bendle

Merv Bendle

The Latest From Merv Bendle

  • The Reformation: 500 Years On

    To Luther, God always remained a stern and majestic judge and he a snivelling sinner. The mystic was not for him, and so, ultimately, his path led to the 95 Theses being nailed to the door of Wittenberg church on this day five centuries ago

    Oct 31 2017

    20 mins

  • You Say You Want a Reformation …

    Those calling for a Muslim reformation are overlooking the consequences of the revolt that Martin Luther prompted against Rome. Were Islam to replicate that upheaval, as many seem to wish, the world would be convulsed for bloody centuries to come

    Oct 26 2016

    15 mins

  • The Suicide of the West

    A treasonous, self-lacerating and nihilistic worldview is now institutionalized throughout academia, the press and political class, which funds with taxpayer dollars the very activists and agitators whose goal it is to sow the ideological contagion of shame and self-loathing

    Oct 17 2016

    11 mins

  • The Folly of Turning the Other Cheek

    Desecrate a Bible and it will be acclaimed as 'art'. Depict Islam's founder, even with deference and respect, and expect not merely a riot but expressions of sympathic regret from our cultural quislings. With Christianity under siege on so many fronts, a spirited defence is the only response

    Sep 26 2016

    13 mins

  • Populism From Above

    We are cursed with a bi-partisan political class that will say and do anything it believes might secure the hearts, minds and votes of those whose self-interest matches its own desire to remain in power. Principles and the common good? They count for nothing

    May 17 2016

    10 mins

  • Queer as a Three-Reichsmark Note

    It was another of those Q&A 'gotcha' moments when a thoroughly prepped audience member posed a question intended to append the Nazi label to a Christian opponent of same-sex marriage. Funny that she would do that, given how many of Hitler's intimates were crazy for boys and kink

    May 03 2016

    17 mins

  • March of the Turnbull Robots

    Old habits die hard, like voting Liberal because that party has represented the closer of two options to a conservative/libertarian ideal. Under its latest leader, and with the aid of apparatchiks his allies are installing as preselected candidates, traditional supporters can expect nothing but betrayal

    Apr 26 2016

    14 mins

  • Conservatives and the ‘Samson Option’

    Come election day, many in the Liberal base that pollster Mark Textor said "doesn't matter" will confront a question Malcolm Turnbull poses with very nearly his every utterance: Is a party that pursues power without principle worth the lead in a polling-booth pencil?

    Apr 20 2016

    9 mins

  • Where Is Our John Galt?

    If you like platitudes, government by press release and the cossetting of rent-seekers, Malcolm Turnbull is a fine Prime Minister. The leader we need, however,  is the man or woman prepared to unshackle the dynamism of an economy long hobbled by the likes of the one we have now

    Apr 14 2016

    8 mins