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Max Rheese

Max Rheese

The Latest From Max Rheese

  • A fine tool for de-programming warmists

    Bob Carter and John Spooner's new book, Taxing Air, dismantles the climate-change con, one myth at a time. It's a perfect gift for the friend who still believes the planet's climate is out to get us

    Jul 19 2013

    3 mins

  • Why trim the RET when you can axe it?

    A question about the Renewable Energy Target's future drew a less-than-definite response from Joe Hockey, who seemed to suggest it would be scaled back rather than eliminated. Does he really believe waste and pointless expense are acceptable so long as they come in smaller packages?

    Jul 03 2013

    6 mins

  • Ruining the environment to save it

    From logging to fishing and the Murray, Environment Minister Tony Burke's record is unblemished. When presented with the obvious consequences of ill-informed and emotional green campaigns, he consigns logic and real-world consequences to the re-cycle bin

    Nov 26 2012

    4 mins

  • Murray facts & fictions

    How did we get to this, where a false premise based on junk science, is accepted as the starting point for major water reform?

    Mar 21 2012

    6 mins

  • Green politics bad for climate

    The composition of the carbon tax package is a clear demonstration that the Greens political agenda is driving change, based on ideology rather than science or evidence. 

    Jul 29 2011

    4 mins

  • Wind policy failures

    The attitude within government and the bureaucracy to wind farm complaints has been characterised succinctly, with adversely affected persons within rural communities explicitly referred to as political “road kill”.

    Mar 24 2011

    11 mins

  • Wind review needed

    The premise underpinning the pursuit of renewable energy through wind power, at any cost, needs urgent review before we move from the current 266 turbines in Victoria to the planned total of 1228, as well as massive planned expansion in South Australia and NSW.

    Oct 19 2010

    5 mins