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Mark Powell

Mark Powell

The Latest From Mark Powell

  • Black Swans and Beijing’s Balderdash

    The facts, if not the specific circumstances, are beyond dispute: China is responsible for the CORVID-19 pandemic. Don't count on that simple fact remaining beyond dispute as opportunists, sock puppets and barrow-pushers name their preferred scapegoats. Indeed, the blame-shifting has already commenced

    Apr 04 2020

    5 mins

  • Is the Pope a Catholic?

    Francis Bergoglio, heir of St Peter, is not yet sporting a man bun and sitting down in intersections to block traffic on behalf of Gaia. But if his syncretic acceptance of shamans, animist ceremonies and his alarmist sympathies for the the new creed of climate change is any indication, we won't have to wait too much longer

    Oct 10 2019

    3 mins

  • Why Men Should Have a Say on Abortion

    Men are expected to provide support for the life they co-created, yet feminist dogma and the law insist they have no right to determine if a pregnancy will be allowed to go to term. That's just one reason why excluding men from the abortion decision is wrong. Here are nine more equally solid arguments

    Aug 13 2019

    12 mins

  • ‘Shut up’ in the Name of ‘Tolerance’

    There might not be room on the internet to list all of those who answered the call of social media's woke enforcers to give Israel Folau, his career and even his wife a good kicking, but it is relatively easy to nominate ten of the most prominent snarling faces faces in this modern day lynch mob

    Jun 27 2019

    7 mins

  • Gay Teens and the ‘Suicide’ Meme

    Maybe it’s time we treated LGBTIQ youth with more dignity and respect by not framing them as so sensitive and delicate that being gay in a straight world automatically raises the likelihood of self-harm and suicide. If derision and abuse, especially in the media, were key, Christian kids would be taking their own lives left and right

    May 15 2019

    9 mins