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Mark Powell

Mark Powell

The Latest From Mark Powell

  • Welcome to Country: Bogus but Preferable

    It is generally known that those Welcome to Country ceremonies which these days precede almost every public event are made of whole cloth. Yet the fiction, as the celebrated anthropologist A. P. Elkin might have noted, is far more palatable than the actual means by which rival tribes sorted their disagreements and promoted amity

    Feb 25 2021

    5 mins

  • Endorsing the Slut-Industrial Complex

    It's just a guess, but the chances that Quadrant readers are also devotees of the rap and hip-hop scene would seem rather small. Not so Joe Biden, who would have you believe he is down with the youth and that ghetto beat -- even to doing an interview with a singer whose big hit is a ledger of sexual abuse. Is it any wonder eight-year-olds are singing along?

    Oct 02 2020

    5 mins

  • On the Use of Fetal Tissue in Vaccines

    Many medical advances have emerged from evil origins, Nazi experimentation on humans coming readily to mind. As the global effort to produce a COVID-19 vaccine is seeing, in some cases, the use of aborted fetal tissue, surely the moral question must hinge on the issue of consent

    Sep 20 2020

    5 mins

  • Alan Kohler, the ABC’s magic pudd’nhead

    It is self-evident that money doesn’t grow on trees, but according to the national broadcaster's economics guru Alan Kohler that wisdom has been made obsolete by Modern Monetary Theory. Alas that Quadrant's late editor Paddy McGuinness is no longer about to remind him that magic puddings don't actually exist

    Aug 11 2020

    5 mins

  • Cyberspace’s Cancelled Conservatives

    It seems certain segments of the online media are intent on presenting only those narratives and opinions approved by the Left. When Martyn Iles, director of the Australian Christian Lobby, sees traffic to his organisation's Facebook page drop by 80 per cent overnight, only those in the market to buy a bridge will see it as an accident

    Aug 03 2020

    4 mins

  • Systemic Welfare, not Racism, is the Real Issue

    That my own family is where it is today is precisely because systemic racism in this country does not exist. If the Australian government has a case to answer it's of misguided good intentions in giving Aborigines $33 billion dollars every year to underwrite and encourage failure and generational dysfunction

    Jun 17 2020

    4 mins

  • The Perfect Novel For Our Postmodern Age

    Trent Dalton’s best-seller 'Boy Swallows Universe' is hard to put down, as readers and reviewers around the world have discovered. Beyond the sordid saga of family dysfunction, drug dealing, criminality and ultimate redemption, what we find in its pages is the mainstreaming of post-Christian mysticism

    May 24 2020

    11 mins

  • A Delinquent Panda in Need of Lockdown Time

    The surly, aggressive, deceptive and bellicose creature now blaming others for the COVID-19 pandemic comes as no surprise. From violating international treaties to buying politicians and bending Australian universities to its will, Beijing has gone about its arrogant business without fear of consequence. That needs to change

    Apr 18 2020

    5 mins

  • Their ABC: Always Bash Catholics

    Australian Catholic University's Greg Craven shared some home truths with ABC interviewers, citing the national broadcaster's shameful vendetta against George Pell. They didn't like it at all, not one bit, yet one of the ABC's very own admits Christians within the organisation find it safer not to advertise their faith

    Apr 09 2020

    4 mins