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Mark Powell

Mark Powell

The Latest From Mark Powell

  • Hobbes by the Harbour

    The COVID crisis gave rise to government policies that seek to control lives in the name of saving lives, threatening society with a cure that is far worse than the disease. When police monitor online church services lest pastors or congregants talk of worship together and in person, Hobbes would have recognised that a risen Leviathan is tolerating no disobedience

    Aug 29 2021

    6 mins

  • What’s in Store for the Women of Afghanistan

    The West's customs and culture have all been shaped by the Judeo-Christian worldview, unlike Islam which urges its male adherents to follow Mohammed's personal example. Where women are concerned the Prophet left what amounts to a handbook detailing how they should be treated, subjugated and punished. It is called the Koran and none of its edicts is pleasant

    Aug 16 2021

    10 mins

  • Bruce Pascoe’s Top Ten Howlers

    Quadrant's Peter O'Brien exposed the fauxborigine fabulist in 'Bitter Harvest' and so did the Dark Emu Exposed website, but being conservative they were shunned by the Bruce Pascoe groupies. Now, via Sutton and Walshe, the book has been torn apart from the left. So when does it get booted out of our schools?

    Jun 29 2021

    12 mins

  • The Treaty Crusaders’ Sin of Omission

    Common Grace is a 'progressive' Christian organisation that has taken up the fight for a treaty with Australia's Aborigines. How this might be achieved, the legality of such a pact and what it might promise are issues never explained nor, apparently, examined in anything but the fuzziest focus. Could it be that advocates prefer not to notice the devil in the details?

    Jun 05 2021

    8 mins

  • The Archibald’s Bankrupt Currency

    You needn't be a professional art critic to appreciate the skill and the power Johannes Leak poured into his entry, a portrait of Jacinta Nampijinpa Price. Indeed, as this year's competition demonstrates perhaps more than any previous year, being a luvvie arbiter of merit obliges the specific exclusion of what is beautiful, good and worthwhile

    May 31 2021

    3 mins

  • Reconciliation Starts with Telling the Truth

    To claim the abuse of women and children in Aboriginal communities has been 'learnt' from white society, a popular meme just lately, falsely suggests violence was unknown before the First Fleet. If things are to get better, the first step must be to replace convenient myths with facts. Then, finally, we might get somewhere

    May 27 2021

    4 mins

  • Aldous Huxley Would Be Astonished

    'Brave New World' imagined a society where 'everyone belongs to everyone else', emotions are constrained by drugs and sex fills the void left by the banishment of love. Today, the mores of Western civilisation have gone far beyond what Huxley could ever have imagined

    May 16 2021

    10 mins

  • Dead Wrong: Aboriginal Deaths in Custody

    Perpetuating the myth that Aboriginal people are at greater risk in jail than non-Aboriginals puts even more lives in greater danger, as indigenous women often refrain from reporting violent menfolk for fear they will be mistreated and die in custody. Trading truth for a fashionable lie has its consequences

    May 02 2021

    6 mins

  • The Very Devil of a Thing to Comprehend

    Perhaps we need a new Isaiah, someone who can confront those who not only think bitter is sweet and sin a virtue but demand everyone else revel in the same delusions. There are some though, a few like Rod Dreher, who grasp how cultures decline when they fail to see there can be no light in darkness

    Apr 11 2021

    9 mins