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Mark Powell

Mark Powell

The Latest From Mark Powell

  • In Defence of Dr. William Crowther — Part II

    In a previous article I made the case why William L. Crowther, Tasmanian Premier, philanthropist and doctor, could well be -- most likely is -- innocent of the crimes and indignities he is alleged to have committed against the remains of Aboriginal man William 'King Billy' Lanne. A review of his life and ideals makes this charge even less credible

    Nov 14 2022

    11 mins

  • In Defence of Dr. William Crowther

    The statue of Dr William. L. Crowther -- Tasmanian Premier, businessman, naturalist and renowned colonial surgeon-- has been deemed 'culturally unsafe' by Hobart City Council. The evidence strongly suggests the reputation of a good man is being besmirched while the real villain goes unmentioned

    Nov 14 2022

    9 mins

  • Remedial Education for the Archbishop of Canterbury

    As might be expected of a guilt-edged churchman, Justin Welby marked his visit to Australia by swallowing whole the myths of the 'Stolen Generation' and then uttering the standard penitent pieties. Here, another man of the cloth, Mark Powell, explains why, how and by whom the Archbishop has been so thoroughly misled

    Oct 19 2022

    15 mins

  • Writing Racism into the Constitution

    Voice advocates invoke and extol the Aboriginal concept of 'makarrata', which they present as achieving peace by means of truth. What the word actually means is 'a spear penetrating', as to the thigh by way of punishment. Tellingly, it also describes the grievous wound the Voice would inflict on all Australians, black and white alike

    Jun 29 2022

    17 mins

  • Morrison’s Sins Against Nous and Conscience

    Did Scott Morrison do anything right? Yes, AUKUS for starters, plus other feathers in his cap that will become more apparent as the emotion of the election season subsides. But most of all he will be remembered for failing to defend freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and ironically, freedom of religion

    Jun 04 2022

    8 mins

  • The Secular Creed of Jabs and Safeism

    Freedom of conscience, one of the central tenants of liberal democracy, must be protected. Unlike institutions and employers insisting that the right to work depends on being jabbed and boosted, perhaps indefinitely, it’s good that there are still some churches and politicians who remain prepared to recognise the individual's right to make his or her own decisions

    Feb 06 2022

    4 mins

  • The Biden Family’s Corruption Inc

    Miranda Devine's newly released 'Laptop from Hell' is a magisterial recounting of Hunter Biden's misadventures, corruption and the astonishing extent to which he has traded on his father's influence. Not, mind you, that the current US President is any better when it comes lies and self-interest. The fruit, as they say, seldom falls far from the tree

    Nov 29 2021

    9 mins

  • Ten Reasons Why the Lab-Leak Theory Rings True

    That the virus emerged within a few minutes' travel of the Wuhan lab has always been the prima facie case for doubting the denials of the CCP, its associates, advocates and acolytes in academia. Sharri Markson's book is the best sort of journalism: curious, uncowed and, most of all, an indictment of all the reporters who think stenography an adequate substitute for the pursuit of truth

    Nov 25 2021

    18 mins

  • There is no Kindness in Euthanasia

    Patients being consigned to eternity without their consent. The elderly and frail feeling themselves under pressure to end the burden on their kin. Those are but two reasons of many why assisted suicide, always presented by advocates as a humane response to age and illness, is an afront to morality, ethics and the gift of life itself

    Oct 17 2021

    7 mins