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Mark Durie

Mark Durie

The Latest From Mark Durie

  • Turnbull’s Islamic Howlers

    Agility and innovation? The PM's version of history is all that and more. Leaping facts in a single bound, he ducks and weaves though a thicket of politically correct cliches to land effortlessly upon the desired conclusion: the West owes everything to Mohammad

    Dec 10 2015

    5 mins

  • Hatred as an Article of Faith

    Twenty-one Copts are beheaded on a Libyan beach, their butchers' mockery filmed in graphic detail for the amusement and edification of the legions who take seriously the Prophet's unambiguous call to strike at the necks of unbelievers. There is blood on more hands than those which wielded the knives

    Feb 23 2015

    10 mins

  • The Rising Sex Traffic in Forced Islamic Marriage

    Western nations are facing what has been called an “epidemic” […]

    Mar 01 2014

    20 mins

  • Multiculturalism’s Child Brides

    Western marriage laws evolved to protect women from predatory and dishonest men. Until recently, authorities have done little to prosecute those who justify under-age marriages and child-trafficking in the name of their creeds and traditions

    Feb 26 2014

    12 mins

  • Slavery’s Abolition And History’s Truth

    If we do not understand own our past, and the great price our forebears paid to win our freedoms, how can we be sure that the moral victories they won—at tremendous cost—will not be reversed

    Jan 09 2014

    15 mins

  • God versus Allah

    “Do we worship the same God?” This has become a […]

    Jul 01 2011

    22 mins