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Marc Hendrickx

Marc Hendrickx

The Latest From Marc Hendrickx

  • Those who would steal Ayers Rock

    In Melbourne this week, blogger and author Marc Henrickx launched A Guide to Climbing Ayers Rock, which argues the sandstone monolith belongs to all Australians, not just those Aborigines whose local leaders are rejecting documented history to deny all but their own access to a national treasure. Here is what he had to say

    Dec 07 2018

    6 mins

  • Ayers Rock: A Monolithic Con Job

    Uluru's custodians swear that climbing the monolith defiles it, yet they don't accord a documented truth any respect at all. The proof is a long forgotten ABC interview with Toby Naninga, who confirmed there is nothing sacred about the summit and urged tourists to avoid only a few small, fenced-off areas

    Aug 20 2018

    10 mins

  • Ayers Rock and Statistical Legerdemain

    To justify its seizure of a marvel that belongs to all Australians, not just Aborigines, Parks Australia said that a mere 20% of visitors attempting the climb would indicate public support for closing it down. Obtained via an FOI request, those vaunted numbers have been twisted into sheer nonsense

    Jul 03 2018

    7 mins

  • The Immoral Ayers Rock Climbing Ban

    Claims that Aborigines never ascend the monolith are false and the 'highly sacred nature' of the route a recent invention. The cultural-heritage significance of the climb to both Anangu and millions of non-Aboriginal visitors should be celebrated and maintained, not discouraged and condemned

    Apr 18 2018

    6 mins

  • The Taking of Ayers Rock

    Australian backpackers wore its embroidered likeness on their sleeves, Ayers Rock being a symbol of the nation in which all can rejoice regardless of colour, creed and ethnic heritage. Then a modern, exquisitely sensitive philosophy took charge and Uluru was declared for one race only

    Feb 27 2018

    5 mins

  • With Friends Like Laura Tingle…

    Bill Leak appeared often on Insiders. So how did Barrie Cassidy & Co mark his premature death? By featuring an alleged SBS comic who recently slandered our greatest cartoonist as a racist, homophobe and all the other standard slurs besides. Then it was old pal Tingle's turn

    Mar 13 2017

    4 mins

  • Climate groupthink

    On ABC’s opinion site The Drum, so called “Public Intellectual” Clive Hamilton suggests the ABC has been infested by a nest of climate “deniers”.

    Sep 12 2010

    1 mins

  • ClimateWorks for Labor

    Marc Hendrickx: “Why did the ABC not report on the obvious and easily located links between ClimateWorks Australia and the Australian Labor Party?”

    Mar 17 2010

    1 mins

  • Where to from here?

    The role of the scientist in this debate, is as it has been: to continue to diligently report the facts, test the theories, to be honest, to be skeptical, to avoid hyperbole, to properly outline the errors and uncertainties, to avoid activism.

    Mar 04 2010

    6 mins