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Marc Hendrickx

Marc Hendrickx

The Latest From Marc Hendrickx

  • ‘Staying Outside Keeps Us Inside’

    The federal government has ordered a nationwide snap lockout of all residential and commercial buildings on the advice of the Chief Engineering Officer. Taking note of the recent apartment tower collapse in Florida, Professor Bernice Cumbersome said the threat to Australians was palpable and all who object want Granny to die beneath a pile of rubble

    Sep 04 2021

    5 mins

  • The Sacred Mountain That Isn’t

    It was immense bad luck for a Scottish backpacker and his companions to park their car unknowingly in the middle of a three-corner feud between two Aboriginal groups and, allied with the far less credible claimants on the basis of no evidence whatsoever and much against, the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service

    Jul 27 2021

    4 mins

  • Mount Warning: Ayers Rock Redux

    In October 2018 Parks Australia banned public access to the […]

    Mar 30 2021

    11 mins

  • The Warning in Mount Warning’s Closure

    The public service stewards of Mt Warning National Park once urged visitors to make the 'fantastic walk' to the summit for 'dazzling views'. Today, it is the alleged hazards of visiting the peak that dominate the NPWS website, all to be taken with a bucket of salt. In banishing visitors, as is happening in other locations across the country, the bureaucrats' real intent is to make life easier for themselves

    Feb 06 2021

    7 mins

  • First Ayers Rock, now Mount Warning

    The case to shut the walking track to the summit of Mount Warning is built on a foundation of lies and faux facts that, were they to be piled one atop the other, would soar far beyond the former volcano's spectacular peak. Once again, at the behest of activists and to the delight of bureaucrats, Australians are being denied and divided according to race and myth

    Jan 18 2021

    12 mins

  • Nicola Roxon, How Smart You Were

    Most Quadrant readers will likely think poorly of Rudd & Co, but credit where it is due: when the panic merchants came calling with warnings of the megadeath the then-latest virus doing the rounds would wreak, Ms Roxon sent them on their way with the sheaves of dire predictions they rode in on. Alas that such good sense prevailed today

    Apr 21 2020

    7 mins

  • Climb the Rock Now While You Still Can

    The sign at the base of the western climbing spur asserts, “Under our traditional law climbing is not permitted”, which is a lie writ large. There is still time for access to the Rock to be preserved -- and with it the heritage of all Australians, not just Aborigines

    Jun 11 2019

    18 mins

  • Politically Correct Geology

    While humanities departments would seem the natural domain of the censors, scolds and arbiters of what is acceptable to utter in our postmodern age, that same contagion is spreading to the physical sciences. I discovered as much when my attempt to defend the right to climb Ayers Rock was pointedly spiked by the Geological Society of Australia's newsletter

    May 09 2019

    12 mins

  • The Imminent Theft of Ayers Rock

    With facts in hand it comes as no surprise to learn that just about everything Parks Australia and the current stewards of Ayers Rock would have you believe is a lie. A mere few months from now the ascent made by millions visitors will be off limits and all of us, black and white alike, will be the poorer

    Apr 12 2019

    5 mins