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M. A. Casey

M. A. Casey

The Latest From M. A. Casey

  • Living in Truth in Democracy

    The most essential principle for living in truth in a democracy: first and foremost, the obligation to speak the truth and not adapt ourselves to falsehoods. This is precisely where the power of the powerless lies or, as Vaclav Havel put it,  “the moral life starts at the moment we refuse to lie"

    Aug 22 2017

    29 mins

  • The Basis of All Our Freedoms

     Many people find the idea of religious freedom confusing and […]

    Aug 31 2010

    13 mins

  • The Feeling of Responsibility

    ... My father’s farm was situated at a locality called Perry Bridge, in between the Avon and Perry rivers. At the south of the property the Perry runs into the Avon, forming a sandy point of land, and shortly thereafter the Avon runs into a large lake. The lake is named for the Duke of Wellington, but the spit at the confluence of the Perry and Avon rivers, known as Boney Point, is named for an altogether more inglorious reason. I remember my father telling me how, well into the 1960s, you could still find bones and bone fragments on this sandy point from a massacre of the local Aborigines, the Kurnai, which took place in 1840. The massacres of the Aborigines in Gippsland often occurred near water, to which the Kurnai were driven and then trapped. The massacre at Boney Point took place after a settler was killed and sheep were found with their legs broken. It is not clear how many Kurnai were killed at Boney Point, but four years afterwards, in 1844, a missionary found so many bones and skulls at this place that it could have been mistaken for a native burial ground.

    Nov 01 2008

    20 mins