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Lyn Wesley

Lyn Wesley

The Latest From Lyn Wesley

  • The Cruel Deception of Aboriginal Self-Determination

    Each year the current prime minister, whoever that may be and no matter which party, trots out the Closing the Gap report to Parliament. This piece of theatre is designed to do one thing and one thing only: broadcast the notion that progress is being made. It isn't. Bear this in mind as the pro-Voice campaign cranks up

    Jan 11 2023

    31 mins

  • Deception in Aboriginal Politics

    This book would never have been published in Australia by […]

    Mar 30 2021

    6 mins

  • The House of Mahjong

    The difference in the new Cold War is that the institutions most susceptible to infiltration have succumbed to anti-liberal sentiment and, as a consequence, those too young to know better do not realise the alternative to their messy liberal democracy is deadly communism. As might be expected, none bow so low before China's tyranny than Hollywood

    Jan 21 2021

    4 mins

  • Lights, Camera … Democracy

    Popular drama tends to present democracies as flawed at best and monstrously corrupt otherwise, an impression apt to be be bolstered in the young by teachers spouting post-modern bile. It's past time, I reckon, for the movies to depict what the alternative is like, with bloody China standing ready for its closeup

    Nov 23 2020

    4 mins