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Luke Powell

Luke Powell

The Latest From Luke Powell

  • The Overlooked Willingness to Change

    William Stanner was by any reckoning a progressive, in thick with Nugget Coombes and the long-defunct Council for Aboriginal Affairs. This background is what makes his observations about Aborigines leaving country of their own volition, making mixed marriages and assimilating well worth revisiting some four decades after his death

    Mar 17 2023

    5 mins

  • Why New Zealand Has a Treaty and Australia Doesn’t

    Whether from historians or activists who ignore the complexities. context and circumstances in which the British found themselves after 1788, Australians should be extremely cautious about heeding the increasingly loud demands for a contemporary treaty. Nothing based in myth and misrepresentation is likely to prove fruitful

    Jan 14 2023

    15 mins

  • ‘Truth Telling’ and Aboriginal Tribal Warfare

    Will the Matuantara people be called upon to ‘pay the rent’ for the land they took from the Southern Arrente? Should the government insist there is an inherited debt of guilt to be apportioned for crippling women and children and leaving them to die? Will the perpetrators' descendants be pressured to publicly admit inherited guilt? Don't count on it

    Jul 08 2022

    6 mins

  • Dealing with Catastrophe

    Each life is morally priceless, no doubt, but death has a price, which Niall Ferguson calculates in his new book 'Doom' to be around $625 billion, based on COVID killing half a million people in the US. Therefore, he writes, 'if a single month of lockdown costs $500 billion, then after a month and a half the costs of the policy would begin to outweigh the benefits'

    Sep 14 2021

    12 mins

  • Crime and Punishment on Campus

    A common thread of progressive doctrine crystallised as I was told to stow my unacceptable perspective. Ideas that are derided and dismissed as 'dangerous', 'oppressive', 'homophobic', 'full of bigotry' and 'patriarchal conditioning' are swept away in the name of what the Left defines as moral virtue

    Dec 02 2020

    12 mins

  • The Humanities’ Nietzschean Degeneration

    It was a university lecturer who told me that 'Christian fundamentalism is the greatest challenge for teachers to overcome'. Nietzsche would have approved, yet as universities follow his instruction to love the world and rise above God and morality, they also emulate his decline into mindlessness

    Oct 18 2020

    13 mins

  • Why Kids Swallow Climate Nonsense

    Odd for a modern teenager, the author looked into bushfire and temperature records and concluded the fear of catastrophic climate change which so stresses his contemporaries presents a much smaller danger than a further descent into an emotionally driven echo chamber of hysteria and irrationality

    Jan 02 2020

    5 mins