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Laurie Hergenhan

Laurie Hergenhan

The Latest From Laurie Hergenhan

  • Australian History as It was Taught

    The press frequently carries comment on the contemporary difficulties of teaching history and in particular of interesting students in Australian history. I recall my own experience. Back in the 1950s at Sydney University, Australian history was an option in third year, following compulsory year-long surveys of Ancient and Modern European history. The lecturer for the Australian course was Duncan MacCallum, famous for launching the First Fleet late in second term—or was it early in third? He was the one eccentric professor for callow undergraduates to feel superior to. Other staff by comparison appeared able lecturers, but for the uninitiated proficiency can come at a cost, only realised later. MacCallum’s course stood out as a case of prolonged deferral, in the chronological not the postmodern sense. I wonder now what would have happened if Australian black “pre-history” had been on the agenda.

    Nov 01 2008

    5 mins

  • The Istanbullus Meet the World

    Recently David Malouf commented of the Brisbane he recreated in […]

    Dec 01 2007

    10 mins