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Laurence W Maher

Laurence W Maher

The Latest From Laurence W Maher

  • An Expression of Contempt for the Electorate

    Among the ideological vocabulary used in the health minister’s attempt to justify Premier Andrews' severing the lineage of liberty going back to Magna Carta are 'accountability', 'at-risk/communities', 'diverse/diversity', 'holistic', 'identity', 'inclusive', 'oppressed', 'privilege', 'respect/ful', 'resilience' and 'vulnerable'. Thus is freedom buried beneath an avalanche of buzz words, dissembling and noxious intent

    Nov 16 2021

    8 mins

  • The ABC’s Scofflaw Journalism

    The national broadcaster's bedrock 'truth' is that some ideas are superior and thus can only be reported and expressed in ways which conform to rigid standards – the world of policed 'narratives', 'story-telling' and 'conversations'. That this is in gross breach of the ABC Act (1983) doesn't trouble the ABC or, apparently, the Coalition

    Oct 14 2021

    10 mins