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Kevin Myers

Kevin Myers

The Latest From Kevin Myers

  • Back to Samarra Once More

    Outright theft or incompetence by the mighty, even in plain sight, is seldom if ever punished in Ireland, rather as if this were a cold wet Sicily and omerta were spelt with an apostrophe. Far more certain than any evidence of probity is the certainty that, yet again, things will end badly

    Jun 23 2020

    12 mins

  • How Sinn Fein Has Shattered Irish Politics

    Had Sinn Fein fielded candidates in every constituency at the recent election it would almost certainly have formed a single-party government. The Army of the Irish Republic would be answering to the IRA Chief of Staff and Ireland's police taking orders from the IRA man running the Department of Justice. Yes, it is that bad

    Mar 05 2020

    15 mins

  • A Collection of Irish Jokes and Jokers

    Not merely does the leader of the Irish government apparently not know that Britain lies between Ireland and mainland Europe, his party members think they should sue whenever an adult falls off a child’s swing with a drink in each hand

    Jul 21 2019

    12 mins

  • The English and Brexit: A Comic Book Calumny

    Demographic transformation was one powerful reason why the plain people of Britain voted for Leave, and also why the EU has tortured them for doing so. To this list of indignities add the inane venom of author Fintan O’Toole's monumentally absurd 'Heroic Failure'

    May 25 2019

    17 mins

  • A Casualty of an Age of Character Assassination

    We live in an age in which irreversible character assassination is a public entertainment, the slanderers being for the most part well-bred, well-paid, intelligent and enjoying the tacit backing of social-media giants Facebook and Twitter. They raise lynch mobs in 140 characters and have established a worldwide Reich wholly antithetical to the freedoms of speech, thought and association

    Jan 17 2019

    12 mins