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Kevin Donnelly

Kevin Donnelly

The Latest From Kevin Donnelly

  • The Undeniable Nexus of Religion and Politics

    While Islamic cultures draw on the Koran, Hindu cultures look to the Bhagavad Gita. and Chinese pay homage to Confucius, it is Judaeo-Christianity, especially the New Testament, that provides the West’s moral and spiritual compass. Foes of religious belief playing any part in politics can ignore that influence but they cannot deny it

    Jul 31 2024

    4 mins

  • Maybe, Just Maybe, There’s a Glimmer of Hope

    While wokeness has become more influential and all pervasive since the early 1990s, the resounding No vote rejection of the Voice proved the tide is shifting and sanity and common sense might yet prevail. Nowhere is that transformation more urgently needed than in Australia's classrooms

    Jul 18 2024

    5 mins

  • The Threat, the Damage, the Solution

    What is needed, in addition to ensuring the nation can defend itself militarily, is a reborn willingness to celebrate what makes Australia such a prosperous, free and open society. That, and an end to the hollow multi-culti pieties about all cultures and religions being equal

    Apr 27 2024

    4 mins

  • When Normies Get the Chance to Say ‘Enough!’

    As the Voice campaign's failure and Ireland's overwhelming rejection of two woke referendum proposals demonstrate, given the opportunity voters will roundly reject what US columnist Mary Harrington calls 'normophobia' -- the desire to frame 'everything conventional, average, given, assumed, traditional, and normative' as instruments of oppression

    Apr 03 2024

    4 mins

  • The Growing Assault on Faith-Based Schools

    One of the arguments advanced by the Australian Law Reform Commission in opposing religious schools' right to control staffing and enrolments is that it’s wrong to discriminate. Did it not occur to the statement's authors that dictating how people worship and observe their faith is discrimination of the most heinous kind?

    Mar 26 2024

    3 mins

  • Our Father Who Art in Coventry

    When Victoria's Jacinta Allen insists cultural diversity has rendered the Lord's Prayer obsolete, what we see is further proof of a society intent on uprooting all its beliefs and traditions, not just those pertaining to faith, that have made it what it is and for the moment remains. 

    Feb 06 2024

    4 mins

  • Palestine, Pedagogy and Protesting

    Given Farah Khairat is a member of Teachers and School Staff for Palestine, it’s no surprise she holds a one-sided view of the Gaza war.  What is inexcusable is that like-minded teachers have abrogated the responsibility to serve as their students’ guardians, instead indoctrinating them with the Left's politics and doing so with full union backing, There is no need to wonder why many parents are seeking alternative schools free of bias and cant.

    Dec 01 2023

    4 mins

  • Enduring Truths and Neglected Lessons

    A liberal education is grounded in the established disciplines and, unlike the cultural Left's woke ideology, is impartial and disinterested. The ideal is to enable students to be critically incisive, independent thinkers, culturally literate, morally grounded and spiritually aware. At a time when the education debate centres on funding, teacher quality, pedagogy and falling standards, it’s vital that we see a return to first principles

    Jun 22 2023

    4 mins

  • Chalk and Cheese: Education Then and Now

    The way literature is taught defines how destructive and impoverished education has become. No longer expected are humility, patience and a willingness to accept the limits of one's own knowledge. In today's classroom, students are now taught the author is dead, that there are as many interpretations of a text as there are readers and, the greatest travesty, that those same texts have no inherent value or meaning

    May 24 2023

    4 mins