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Kevin Andrews

Kevin Andrews

The Latest From Kevin Andrews

  • Deconstructing the family

    A healthy, stable and happy marriage is a proven and optimal relationship for the psychological, emotional and physical well being of adults and children. Unfortunately, as Kevin Andrews MP writes in his new book, the institution is scorned by the elites

    Oct 12 2012

    6 mins

  • Intoxicated with Power

    Four years into the Rudd–Gillard Labor government, it is judged […]

    Nov 01 2011

    15 mins

  • “the poisonous policies of the Greens”

    This book is a welcome antidote to the poisonous policies of the Greens. It deserves the readership of every Australian who is concerned about the future of this nation.

    Jul 22 2011

    9 mins

  • The Greens’ Agenda, in Their Own Words

    For many years, the Greens have been treated as a […]

    Dec 31 2010

    29 mins

  • The Greens’ Agenda

    The Australian Greens are part of a worldwide movement that is actively engaged in the political process. As their writings state, this objective involves a radical transformation of the culture that underpins western civilization. As a political party, they should be treated like any other political party and subjected to the same scrutiny.

    Nov 11 2010

    2 mins

  • Beware the Celtic Tiger

    China has warned recently of the possibility of a further recession, which could impact significantly on Australia. If we waste the proceeds of the current export boom, we will not have a buffer when the next inevitable downturn occurs.

    Mar 22 2010

    3 mins

  • Cities that don’t work

    Our roads are congested; our public transport overcrowded; our water supply inadequate; and our amenities are under threat. Experts warned recently of more frequent disruptions to our electricity as power supplies fail.

    Sep 07 2009

    4 mins