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Kenneth Minogue

Kenneth Minogue

The Latest From Kenneth Minogue

  • The Intellectual Left’s Treason of the Heart

    It is a striking fact that throughout the Anglophone world, […]

    Aug 31 2011

    18 mins

  • On Peter Coleman

    One central theme of these essays is his disillusionment with politics as an activity and as a way of life. He describes it as a ‘virus’ which he must have picked up early in life, and from which he took a long time to recover.

    Dec 13 2010

    2 mins

  • The Irresponsibility of Rights

    [Extract from The Servile Mind published by Encounter Books. See […]

    Nov 01 2010

    18 mins

  • The Landscape of Humanity: Art, Culture and Society, by Anthony O’Hear

    The Landscape of Humanity: Art, Culture and Society,

    by Anthony O’Hear,

    Imprint Academic, 2008, £17.95.

    The Landscape of Humanity is a philosopher’s response to the nonsense of the current world. It covers architecture, culture and politics. Anthony O’Hear is less bemused than the rest of us about a world in which, for example, gallery curators ask us to gaze in aesthetic wonder at discarded nappies, Chris Ofili’s Madonna surrounded with elephant dung, Tracey Emin’s unmade bed, Robert Mapplethorpe’s remarkable excursions into the photographic iconography of gay life, and other such exhibits, as if these remarkable objects stood in some line of descent from Botticelli, Vermeer and Monet. Where, when you need him, is the impertinent child who could recognise nakedness when all the fools around him were nodding approvingly at imagined genius?

    Apr 30 2009

    8 mins