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Ken Gannicott

Ken Gannicott

The Latest From Ken Gannicott

  • The British Dance Band Phenomenon of the 1930s

    While the dance bands of the thirties were ubiquitous in the ballrooms of London’s swish hotels, their music catered overwhelmingly to working-class tastes. Indeed, as some have suggested, a good case can be made that the genre's music hall roots suggested specific ideas about 'what it meant to be British'

    Oct 09 2021

    21 mins

  • Giving NAPLAN a Post-Lockdown Future

    The cancellation of NAPLAN testing for this year came as […]

    May 30 2020

    7 mins

  • DNA: The Devil of a Problem in Education

    Experience tells us school achievement tends to 'run in families', but this does not explain if genes or nurture is the more potent factor. Within the world of science and psychology there is no longer any problem posing the question. With other disciplines — pedagogy in particular — any mention of genetics summons the mob for an immediate public burning

    Oct 17 2019

    21 mins

  • Needs-Based Funding isn’t the Answer

    In another of his trademark touches, the PM has prompted a revolt by Catholic schools and those who should be his party's supporters. If Kazakhstan and Brazil can dramatically improve educational performance by rejecting the  approach he has specifically endorsed, what can he be thinking?

    Jun 20 2017

    12 mins

  • Why School Children Are Falling Behind

    We have a good idea from international practice of what works in education and what does not, and more money is not the answer. The teacher as instructor of a content-based program, whole-class teaching, and direct instruction -- the traditional approach, in other words -- is a big part of any viable reform

    May 06 2014

    10 mins