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John Styles

John Styles

The Latest From John Styles

  • Lateline, biased and unfair

    A trawl through the Lateline archive netted more than 20 one-on-one interviews in the same period with experts on the true-believer side of the debate. It is a scandalous scorecard: believers 20+, heretics 1.

    Apr 19 2010

    2 mins

  • Money, spin and lies

    With the next federal election almost certainly less than 18 months away, the Coalition parties face a difficult task. One of the big questions will be, as the economy declines, whether or not today’s more media savvy electorate will see through what will be, most certainly, a very dense fog of Labor and media spin.

    May 18 2009

    4 mins

  • Media Watch Dog bites

    Gerard Henderson, executive director of the Sydney Institute, has launched Media Watch Dog a blog that is sure to do much more than simply bark and snap at the heels of wayward journalists.

    Mar 09 2009

    4 mins

  • Journalism the loser in Quadrant con

    In the wake of the deception by a freelance journalist […]

    Jan 09 2009

    0 mins