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John O’Sullivan

International Editor

John O’Sullivan

International Editor

The Latest From John O’Sullivan

  • When Respectability Loses Her Virtue

    We are encouraged to rely more and more on government officials to do for us what we could equally well do for ourselves—and, maybe more importantly, not to do what might help us solve our own problems.

    Sep 08 2024

    10 mins

  • How Europe Voted

    As the Dutch political scientist Cas Mudde said some years ago, 'Populism is an illiberal democratic response to undemocratic liberalism'. When the voters insist that something isn’t working, as the recent EU Parliament election demonstrates, it is this commitment to raw democracy that manifests itself at the ballot box

    Aug 25 2024

    8 mins

  • The Rise of Progressive Authoritarianism

    Caricatures of left-wing authoritarians have been a feature of popular culture -- including not only farces but also such sophisticated comedies as Yes, Prime Minister -- and they awaken an immediate echo in their mass audiences. There’s a reason for that. We’ve all met the leftoid sorts with jackboot inclinations

    Jun 14 2024

    8 mins

  • The Rise of Progressive Authoritarianism

    If something doesn’t exist in theory, can it exist in […]

    May 27 2024

    8 mins

  • Ireland Passes Peak Wokeness

    Partisan reporters -- is there any other sort these days? -- seek to persuade readers of various general truths rather than merely report what comes their way. Ireland's landslide rejection in early March of two woke referendums illustrates the gulf between what voters are told they should believe and what they actually do

    Apr 02 2024

    8 mins

  • Climate Change and Free Speech on Trial

    Michael Mann’s lawyer told the Washington DC jury that finding against Mark Steyn and Rand Simberg would vindicate their progressive sympathies and dissuade others from critiquing the methods and conduct of warmist science. And that’s what the panel did, treating the case as an opportunity to punish climate heresy. If this verdict stands, scientific debate and free speech both fall

    Mar 25 2024

    9 mins

  • Embracing the Populist Dragon

    Times are getting harder for conservatives and classical liberals, who face challenges not only from the traditional social democratic Left but also from the new revolutionaries of wokeness. That hard going, it must said, can be laid at the feet of the centre-right itself, which too often fails to represent voters in the centre and on the right

    Jan 19 2024

    8 mins

  • Britain: A Country Divided and Ruled

    When the entire world is looking nervously into the Abyss, […]

    Nov 29 2023

    9 mins

  • Outwitting Democracy: A Guide for the Innocent Bystander

    Constitutionalising your favoured political program, as Albanese & Co. attempted with the Voice, runs into the difficulty that it’s a high-profile public activity difficult to conceal and, when revealed, forcing its proponents into all kinds of undignified postures of denial and casuistry. To avoid those risks, Left progressives have come up with a more subtle and discreet method of evading democracy: namely, 'sortition'

    Nov 23 2023

    8 mins