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John Muscat

John Muscat

The Latest From John Muscat

  • Christmas Books: John Muscat

    Niall Ferguson is arguably the best historian writing in English. Without a trace of postmodernist cant, he is a hard-nosed chronicler of raw financial, political and military power, showing scant interest in retrospective moralising.

    Dec 11 2010

    1 mins

  • Labor crosses Rubicon

    Julia Gillard calls it an agreement; Tony Abbott a coalition. For others, the Gillard-Brown-Wilkie line-up looks like a “popular front”. Either way, Labor and the Greens have realigned power relations in Australia.

    Sep 07 2010

    6 mins

  • Division of Labor

    The ALP has now been forced into a novel division of labour. While a “liberated” Gillard preaches to the converted journalists, special interests and safe Labor voters, Rudd gets down and dirty in the marginals.

    Aug 09 2010

    5 mins

  • Labor’s Oligarchic Temptation

    Having passed the phases of decline, decadence and collapse, New […]

    Jul 01 2010

    9 mins

  • Christians on the Left

    Journalists have no interest in exploring the moral dilemmas confronting Christians in the Labor Party, even if they are thornier than those facing Coalition members.

    Apr 12 2010

    5 mins

  • Climategate Pty Ltd

    What should we make of the near-unanimity of opinion among a cohort of scientists in such a complex and dynamic field?

    Dec 02 2009

    4 mins

  • Labor and the ETS

    The National President of the CFMEU, a union covering 13,000 coal miners, recently described the term “green jobs” as “dopey”.

    Nov 09 2009

    6 mins

  • Left Forum: The Rudd Ticket

    A momentous event in our national affairs has all but gone unnoticed. The political party which for over a hundred years was known as the Australian Labor Party has ceased to exist.

    Sep 27 2009

    5 mins