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John Muscat

John Muscat

The Latest From John Muscat

  • The Irredeemable Christopher Hitchens

    The journalist and author earned conservative kudos for supporting Iraq's liberation and decrying Bill Clinton's sleaze, but he remained an apologist for Trotsky until the end. Alas, he extended no such indulgence to Catholics

    Sep 20 2012

    5 mins

  • Progressive Women’s Immunity

    Gillard hasn’t been victimised because she is a woman; she has been protected because she is a progressive woman.

    May 16 2012

    5 mins

  • Was Hitler a Catholic?

    Having said Hitler “was not” an atheist during his Q & A debate with Cardinal Pell, Richard Dawkins was more explicit the following morning on ABC Radio National. “Hitler was a Roman Catholic” he told an acquiescing Fran Kelly.

    Apr 12 2012

    6 mins

  • Managing the media for propaganda

    On the evening news Gillard seemed barely interested in the people around her, fixing her gaze on the camera, studying it with a frozen smile.

    Mar 27 2012

    7 mins

  • How Gillard governs

    The problem, as most Australians see it, is that Gillard isn’t sure which corner to turn until someone hands her the directions. The image of Gillard as a fumbling go-between is firmly set.

    Nov 30 2011

    6 mins

  • Carbon tax betrayal

    You would need to be a very blinkered observer, or at least a progressive journalist, to deny that a majority of Australians now believe the Gillard minority government has forfeited its legitimacy.

    Sep 20 2011

    6 mins

  • The Global Climate Standoff

    The present state of world climate action is easy to sum up. While everyone pays lip-service to the IPCC’s targets, developing countries won’t go anywhere near them unless developed countries go first, and developed countries won’t go unless developing countries join them.

    May 29 2011

    6 mins

  • The Shadow State

    Discontent is stirring in the Australian electorate. More are coming to resent this arbitrary power lying in the shadows of their political, legal and constitutional arrangements. More are demanding that it be confronted and exposed to sunlight. If only their politicians were up to it.

    Apr 12 2011

    9 mins

  • Triumph of the functionaries

    The functionaries have reached critical mass, and they're playing the Greens off against Labor for power and influence. This story won't make it into the progressive media, but it accounts for much of the mendacious shadow-play of the current parliament.

    Mar 02 2011

    7 mins