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John Izzard

John Izzard

The Latest From John Izzard

  • Intellectual poker

    The ones we are playing against don’t follow the rules, or at least the rules we understand to be the nature of the game. The game is undoubtedly intellectual poker. The prize is the heart and soul of this nation.

    Feb 08 2011

    7 mins

  • Immigration Nation

    The viewing of this appalling, biased, one-sided, ill-considered SBS program immediately began conjuring up images of it being eagerly spread out to schools and academic institutions across the nation and its nasty content being transmitted far and wide to young school children and university students.

    Jan 13 2011

    8 mins

  • Ned Kelly types again

    In the case of Assange, as with NedKelly, there is the guiding hand of the lone mother, the dysfunctional childhood, the hatred of authority.

    Dec 19 2010

    5 mins

  • Christmas Books: John Izzard

    Joy of the year was re-reading Jane Gardam’s 2006 novel Old Filth based on Sir Edward Feathers QC, then to read the follow-up, The Man in the Wooden Hat.

    Dec 11 2010

    1 mins

  • WikiWanks

    That 200 or more of Australia’s so called public intellectuals cannot see the difference between an out-of-control anarchist, and a genuine whistle-blower says plenty.

    Dec 11 2010

    7 mins

  • The Trial of Andrew Bolt (I): Designer Ethnicity

    Reynolds attacked the assault on O’Neill and proposed that, “This […]

    Dec 01 2010

    17 mins

  • Licensed to deceive

    The Herald Sun identified 3000 media advisors employed by Australian governments at the cost an estimated quarter of a billion dollars each year. The Victorian Liberal David Davis claimed that “John Brumby has build the biggest propaganda unit outside North Korea.”

    Nov 28 2010

    5 mins

  • Gay marriage?

    If Australian politicians were genuinely interested in finding out what the Australian people thought they would simply move that the question of gay marriage be placed on the upcoming referendum paper — the referendum that wants to recognise Aboriginal people in the Preamble to the Constitution. It’s really not that hard!

    Nov 23 2010

    5 mins

  • Abandoning men’s health

    For 12 months the Labor cabinet has been sitting on a Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee’s decision to release a drug called Avodart which could help reduce the size of the prostate in the 400,000 Australian men suffering from the complaint. Would they be delaying approval, with no indication as to when it will be approved, if it involved women’s health?

    Nov 15 2010

    5 mins