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John Izzard

John Izzard

The Latest From John Izzard

  • Twits or Tweets?

    If you rely on your news from Fairfax, the ABC or SBS, you would be blissfully unaware of the Shakespearian saga that unfolded this week in the aftermath of the Andrew Bolt trial.

    Apr 17 2011

    6 mins

  • Chicken Little syndrome

    As long as the climate-alarmists, and the Australian Labor government, uses devices, statements, reports, advertising and propaganda that are likely to induce the Chicken Little syndrome, how on earth can they be taken seriously?

    Apr 10 2011

    6 mins

  • “It’s the peas, stupid!”

    “Garnaut, he single-handedly destroyed Australia’s wool industry”, stated one weary farmer, wiping his brow. “No he didn’t,” replied the other farmer. “He used both bloody hands.”

    Apr 04 2011

    7 mins

  • ABC Boredom 24

    On ABC News 24 there was never a cross word, not an insult, nor a whiff of political point scoring. No spite, no jabs, no barbs. It was as though we were attending a political funeral and everyone was showing respect for the dead. And, well, they were.

    Mar 27 2011

    5 mins

  • NO Cucumber Tax!!

    To encumber the cucumber growers and eaters of Australia with a Cucumber Tax while our trading partners have none makes us look like complete gherkins.

    Mar 15 2011

    5 mins

  • The Deceit of Immigration Nation

    One of the most chilling images in the recent SBS […]

    Mar 01 2011

    21 mins

  • Latham in the closet

    Is not Mark Latham better served, by coming out of the closet and embracing his true, conservative self?

    Feb 28 2011

    5 mins

  • Open borders

    The information, which apparently came from a Senate estimates hearing, also noted that, of the arrivals who had paid a people-smuggler, an unstated number were transactions that had been funded by a family-member. What is unclear is whether these “family members” are living in Australia and how this funding process actually works.

    Feb 20 2011

    5 mins

  • Restless Egypt

    Demonstrations and uprisings are nothing new to Egyptians. Caesar and Cleopatra had to put down riots as did the Pharaohs before them. What is important about revolutions, riots and demonstrations isn’t the uprising, but what follows.

    Feb 14 2011

    5 mins