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John Izzard

John Izzard

The Latest From John Izzard

  • Bob rules, OK?

    Since September the government of this country isn’t taking place in parliament, but is being driven from a Green Star Chamber. Things are decided by Bob, but Julia cops the flack.

    Jun 14 2011

    6 mins

  • Crazy Climate Week

    Science stormtroopers are planning to kill off computers, camels and common-sense as they float wind farms above our heads, and promulgate plans to protect the planet from sunshine.

    Jun 10 2011

    5 mins

  • Cat calls

    The greatest moral challenge of our time suddenly shifted from climate change to moral indignation, from glass ceiling to glass jaw, and the media loved it.

    Jun 06 2011

    5 mins

  • Planking for Australia

    The trick with political planking is to act with concern while actually being as thick as a plank. How could a fairly rational nation (as we were under the very watchful eye of John Howard) turn into such a ratbag country that we are now — and in less than five years?

    May 30 2011

    6 mins

  • Leftland is angry

    The extraordinary thing about the venomous attack on Chris Uhlmann and the ABC’s 7.30 program, was that the critics were absolutely right. The old Kerry O’Brien 7.30 Report is well and truly buried. 

    May 22 2011

    6 mins

  • A bye-bye election, please!

    The sea-Greens, the forest Greens, the gay-Greens, the boat-people Greens and, as yet to arrive from NSW, the dark Greens. Kermit was wrong. Being Green is easy, once you control the Senate. 

    May 15 2011

    5 mins

  • Left’s bin Laden Week

    When their line-of-spin started, it was as though the Navy SEALs had cornered and shot Mother Teresa.

    May 08 2011

    6 mins

  • As good as it gets

    What a week. The unhappiness on the faces of Australia’s bourgeois progressives,who inhabit the sneering side of the nation’s media, made the royal wedding perfect.

    May 01 2011

    5 mins

  • Carbon capers

    Charles Manson, of the 1969 Sharon Tate murders fame, has come out in favour of human-induced climate change— or as he likes to put it, global warming. And he’s not happy about what’s going on; not one bit!

    Apr 25 2011

    6 mins