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John Izzard

John Izzard

The Latest From John Izzard


    One way to protest to the Hollowmen of our government is to send the junk mail back to Greg Combet.

    Jul 29 2011

    2 mins

  • Julia spies

    What Australian institution does the most telephone, email, SMS and mobile phone hacking in Australia, and who is its CEO?

    Jul 25 2011

    7 mins

  • Australia Institute loses debate

    Richard Denniss, from the Australia Institute, debated Christopher Monckton at the National Press Club, and was soundly defeated.

    Jul 20 2011

    5 mins

  • Monty Python’s Carbonista Week

    Has there ever been a mob in the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia more worthy of a make-over by the Monty Python team, than those who sit on the government benches?

    Jul 18 2011

    6 mins

  • Tax launch bombs

    The big question is whether Tony Abbott can counter the dark forces that the prime minister has at her disposal: ABC radio and television networks, the unions, Crikey and GetUp! - the other left-front opinion-banning mobs.

    Jul 11 2011

    5 mins

  • My fellow polluters

    John Izzard on the greatest speech Julia Gillard never gave. The one that would have saved her government, and Australia, from the impending disaster.

    Jul 11 2011

    5 mins

  • Election NOW!

    Since 2007 our government has carried on like a teenager with their first Visa Card. There has been no problem (that they have created) that can’t be fixed with money. Just book it up.

    Jul 05 2011

    6 mins

  • Gaia kills planet

    What is never mentioned by Bob Brown, Christine Milne and the proponents of so called clean, green energy, is the environmental degradation that is occurring in Mongolia and China as a result of the sudden demand for neodymium by the wind-turbine industry in the West.

    Jun 26 2011

    6 mins

  • Investing in failure

    If Professor Garnaut can’t say “with any great precision exactly where the emissions reductions will come from” what on earth are we doing getting involved with carbon dioxide taxes and emissions trading schemes. Have we gone completely bonkers?

    Jun 19 2011

    7 mins