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John Izzard

John Izzard

The Latest From John Izzard

  • Being No. 1

    The Bolt judgment promotes that most nasty form of censorship, self-censorship, whereby a writer is not restricted so much by a clearly defined law, but by the fear of an ill-defined legal entanglement. Australia’s film censorship works this way.

    Oct 04 2011

    5 mins

  • Rebooting Labor values

    Under Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard the ALP’s values have become a complete mystery. Survival, at any cost, appears to be their most urgent interest. But is survival a core value?

    Sep 26 2011

    6 mins

  • Crossing the floor

    You would imagine that with something like 70% of the electorate being opposed to the New Carbon Tax there might be a tendency for federal members of the ALP to at least consider expressing in parliament, the wishes of their electorate.

    Sep 15 2011

    6 mins

  • Ode to barbarism

    The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign is not a grass roots movement populated by rednecks, the mob or the rabble from the streets. It is a political campaign that sprang from intellectuals and academics from the Left.

    Sep 06 2011

    5 mins

  • Advance Gillard where?

    With Julia Gillard fully supporting Craig Thomson, and presumably the gang from Victoria, this might be a good time to ask her about Labor’s “core values”.

    Aug 29 2011

    6 mins

  • Big Red’s red tax

    The refusal by the media and Members of the Federal Parliament to aggressively question the secrecy surrounding who is on the list of the so-called 500 top “polluting” companies, raises serious doubts about the quality of scrutiny being undertaken in regards to the proposed Carbon Tax.

    Aug 22 2011

    7 mins

  • “Saying what I think”

    Andrew Bolt: “The one thing that strikes me as a kind of outsider-insider is that so many mainstream political interviews are based on a pretense.”

    Aug 15 2011

    7 mins

  • Who are the 500 polluters?

    It seems incredible that our parliamentarians are going to vote on a tax on which they haven’t been clearly or officially told as to who the targeted carbon-tax-payers will be.

    Aug 08 2011

    6 mins

  • Daily doomsday climate news

    Not to be outdone as the world’s leading journal of doomsday climate snuff-stuff, the Guardian published a new map of the world showing the good, the bad and the ugly of world polluters: Australia “very poor”, Indonesia “very good”.

    Jul 31 2011

    5 mins