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John Happs

John Happs

The Latest From John Happs

  • NASA, You Have a Problem

    The space agency put men on the moon and robot rovers on Mars, achievements which demanded an unyielding devotion to the core principles of science. Then along came alarmist and main-chancer James Hansen, who has done very well out of the climate scam while debasing everything NASA once stood for

    Jun 21 2021

    12 mins

  • Chiefly incurious chief scientists

    "Chief Scientists" are a penny a dozen at international climate conferences. Given their unquestioning acceptance of the IPCC's alarmist warnings and absurd predictions that is all they are worth

    Oct 20 2013

    12 mins

  • Sir David King, the UK’s extreme weathervane

    He was out their with the best of them, proclaiming that mankind would be reduced to small pockets of survivors in Antarctica. Now he is against "rash predictions" -- except, of course, when it suits him not to be

    Sep 27 2013

    21 mins

  • James Hansen’s many and varied furphies

    There is one thing -- and one thing only -- that can be taken as gospel when the former NASA scientist talks about the perils of global warming: Every word will be wrong, misleading or just plain ludicrous

    Aug 26 2013

    22 mins

  • The climate of bias at Their ABC

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion, including the ardent warmists who populate the national broadcaster's science shows. What journalists are not allowed to do is present their views to the exclusion of all others, yet that is standard operating procedure

    Jul 30 2013

    26 mins

  • Al Gore’s enduring climate con

    Picked apart by experts far more credible than those it cites, An Inconvenient Truth's faux science, distortions, omissions and lies continue to pollute any rational discussion of climate change. How sad that Australia's that careerist climateers still claim to take it seriously

    Jul 13 2013

    12 mins

  • Warmism’s bellowing dinosaurs

    They rant and rave while gorging at the public trough, predicting disasters and catastrophe while jet-setting to whichever five-star resort is hosting the latest doomsayers' convocation. Let their own words condemn them

    May 02 2013

    23 mins

  • An open letter to David Attenborough

    The TV naturalist is an intelligent man, no doubt about it. So why does he persist in parroting easily demolished propaganda about "endangered" polar bears  and the alleged impact of global warming?

    Apr 15 2013

    12 mins

  • The tide ebbs on another climate myth

    Those "sinking islands" the warmists are always promoting as symptoms of global warming? Well, it turns out some are growing and none are in any more danger of inundation today than they were in less alarmist times

    Mar 19 2013

    6 mins