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John Goodman

John Goodman

The Latest From John Goodman

  • The Importance of Being Germany

    Losing your state once may be reckoned misfortune but losing it twice begins to look like carelessness. Reunited in 1990, the Fatherland became a nation for the third time and has since acted with more caution, realism and perhaps wisdom than everyone in Europe and America has always liked.

    Aug 25 2024

    49 mins

  • The Idea of Russia

    Fading interest in Europe—for Putin, the G7 is so yesterday—marks a return of that ineffable sense of Russian superiority, equalled in history only in England by the English, and partly against the run of play, in France by the French. But superiority complexes belie inferiority complexes, as Russian literary careers sometimes show

    Dec 31 2020

    46 mins

  • Is Japan Politically Correct?

    Of course not, says Jean-Marie Bouissou in Les Leçons du […]

    Apr 29 2020

    31 mins

  • Fear and Loathing in India

    Overall, the new Indian writers show dreamers infected by the defining Western malady, a kind of anomie based on the unending search for individual and material gratification. Can East and West ever meet? On the evidence, they have long done so and give no sign of stopping any time soon

    Jul 19 2019

    20 mins

  • Speak, Memory

    According to Julia Shaw, who lectures in the jurisprudence of brain science and psychology, 'memories' are created and re-created in an infinite chain, with each re-creation subtly or radically altering what the mind retains. It gets worse. The brain then 'remembers' the re-creation, not the original

    Jun 03 2019

    5 mins

  • Martin Luther and the Origins of Political Authoritarianism

    For seventy years now, a biblical lifetime, varieties of democratic […]

    Apr 01 2019

    26 mins

  • We’ll Always Have Barcelona

    During angry street marches in Barcelona, one man raged against […]

    Jan 01 2019

    28 mins

  • Inside the Theatre of Politics: US Presidential Elections

    Rousseau, theatre critic, was against politics in drama. Like Plato […]

    Dec 30 2017

    21 mins

  • Latest News of the Progress Wars

    Lulled by the charms of rational nationalism, which include the growth and global spread of prosperity, the progressive mind fails to spot its twin in the shadows, irrational nationalism. The besetting sin is ignorance of the dark side, a weakness that catches liberals asleep at the wheel every time.

    Jul 27 2017

    20 mins